Kiss me

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Seulgi reached to touch jaebums face but he rejected, he was so angry he just wasn't in the mood for any kind of contact.
As they stood in the tight stuffy room that jaebum had pulled them into, they fell silent.
He still had his hand on the wall blocking her from leaving but his head was looking away from her. Seulgi stood there staring at the very flustered jaebum. She reached to touch his face again, this time he accepted. Seulgi cupped his face to look at her. She caressed his cheeks with her thumb, "I love you, no one else, just you."
Before she knew it she could feel his hands on her waist pulling her in for a kiss. But she quickly moved away "wait are you still mad?"
She asked curiously. "If you continue to give me kisses I won't be" she chuckled and reached for his lips again

Secret Love | ksg. & ijb.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt