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Jaebum looked at his surroundings, checking if anyone was near, once he knew the coast was clear he quickly grabbed Seulgi by the wrist and pulled her into a tight small room.

she was completely shook by the sudden actions, but when she realised it was Jaebum she calmed down.
"You scared me!" She half shouted
"Someone will see us, are you crazy?" She continued, Seulgi tried exiting the room when suddenly Jaebum slammed his hand against the wall, blocking her from leaving. Seulgi was terrified by jaebum's behaviour, she turned to face him and saw a completely different person, she was scared but also worried.

He heaved a sigh, and looked at her
"I'm sorry"
"It's just.. I'm so angry"

she stared at him confused, but did not respond
Jaebum continued to speak

"I'm jealous. I can't fucking take it anymore"

short chapter sorryyy, it will all make sense in the next chapter (:

Secret Love | ksg. & ijb.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt