Seulgi and her members had a long and meaningful talk just about her relationship and also about the other members struggles. It was a good time for each of them to let out any hardships they were going through. which made them grow closer to each other. When they found of who seulgi was dating, that was another story. The members completely went bonkers! The teasing definitely didn't stop and they were in awe for their precious member. ___ Seulgi flopped on her bed in exhaustion, it was one hectic night full with a bunch of emotions. The last thing she wanted to do was look at her phone but she definitely couldn't ignore the sound of her phone ringing numerous of times.
Without even looking at the caller ID she answered it.
"Hello" her voice cracking just a little
She looked at her phone to see jaebum's name
"Oh hey Bubs" her tone of voice wasn't sounding the greatest to him
"Babe are you okay?"
"My members know" she blurted out
He chuckled, which caught the attention of Seulgi.
"My members know too."
Seulgi looked at her phone with a confused face like she thought Jaebum could see it.
"Are you for real??"
"Yes baby"
"Well I didn't really tell them, they just knew because I was to them "too obvious" They said they approved and just moved on to a different subject"
"Wtf, so they just casually approve of it while my members and I freak out and have a meltdown and sob while hugging each other. Hmm that sounds a bit odd"
"They.. you cried??"
He had himself laughing again, it was too cute to hear.
"Stop laughing it's not funny!"
"Okokok. How you feeling now?"
"Soo much better!! I feel so light!"
"That's good to hear, now it's not so much of a secret. Just the whole entire world doesn't know.
"Wellll actually!! There are people that actually ship us!! They call us "jaegi" hskajdjkabsbsjjsj how cute is that"
"We are cute huh"
"Of course!!"
"I love you bear."
In the back ground got7 could be heard teasing the leader
"I LoVe YoU BeARrR" they repeated
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The call was cut short when Jaebum said his goodbyes and chased his members out.
Seulgi looked at her phone as the phone called ended, and just smiled.