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The sun was bright in the sky, blanketing the ground with a bright and warm light. The grass and the leaves sway to the gentle breeze, the field is filled with flowers in varying colors painting it in a beautiful canvas of nature.

In it is a small family of three, laughing and giggling with each other. A picture of content and happiness. The little girl kept on tugging at the sleeves of her father.

"Daddy..." she tugged trying to take his attention, "Daddy!" He looked at his little girl who had a pout on her face. "Let's play tag, please." She begged.

"I don't think so, baby..." he said softly trying not to set off his daughter, when her pout remained, he sighed. "Why don't you ask Mommy first?" He turned to his side, smirking cheekily at his wife while she only glared at him. When intense purple eyes turned to her mother, she could only shake her head.

The little girl, not deterred with their refusal, threw herself on her mother's lap and wrapped her small hands around her. With a tone full of innocence she begged "Please."

The couple looked at each other, "You don't play fair Licht," her mother sighed, before smiling at her and motioning to her husband that she allowed them to play.

"You can play but please don't wander off into the forest, okay?" She asked, which was answered with an enthusiastic nod and a peck on her cheek from Licht. "Take care of her." She mouthed to her husband while glaring at him.

"Don't worry, love, I'll take care of her." He promised, flashing her a roughish smirk, causing for a blush to cross her cheeks. Licht stared at her parents, adornment flashing in her eyes. She could feel as much as she could see the love they shared. She hoped that one day, she would find someone who would love her as much.

But right now, that wasn't her priority so with an impatient cry, she jumped in between them shattering their moment. "You're it!" she shouted before quickly scrambling out of the way and into the open field. Laughing, he chased after her, slowing on purpose so she could run away from him.

When he felt like they had played enough, he increased his pace. Seeing her father getting nearer, she took refuge in her mother's lap taking her by surprise. And before she could even get out of her initial shock, her husband suddenly pounced on them, hugging them close to him.

After that, they all laughed heartily then sitting upright again, this time she was on her father's lap. As the final laugh died down from her throat, she turned and begged at them again. "Can we play hide and seek next?" she asked to them. Misa turned her head around but she found nothing where her child could hide.

"But you have nowhere to hide into, honey." She asked her child but Licht was insistent. "I could hide behind the trees." She suggested but it was answered with a harsh "No!" from both her parents. She jolted in shock from their raised voice and the glare in their eyes.

Tears started to accumulate at the brim of her eyes but she was willing them not to fall. Despite it, the tears fell on her cheeks and a sob escaped her.

The couple stared at each other before looking down on their precious daughter. Hating the fact that she was crying, Saber patted her hair and gently pulled her chin up to wipe the tears away from her face; her cheeks, nose and eyes are all puffed red due to her crying.

"Sorry for yelling at you, baby." He cooed to Licht, she nodded her head to them, sniffing slightly and wiping her eyes.

"You can play," Misa approved, smiling sweetly and caressing the face of her child. "I'll play with you too, so stop crying, please?" she added. Licht smiled in delight and jump up and down in glee, kissing both their cheeks.

"Remember, don't go too far into the forest, okay?" Her mother reminded her for the nth time. Since they are the 'it' both started to count down while Licht began to look for a good hiding spot. She strode towards the forest and looked there. But after a few more seconds she found nothing.

Hearing that the time is almost up, she went deeper into the woods, and there she found a big tree with big roots that will hide her efficiently. She waited inside the hollow of the tree patiently for her parents to come and find her.

"2...1." Ended the countdown and the two looked around to find their daughter. They searched around, behind the trees, up in the branches and in large boulders. But to no avail they cannot find her anywhere.

"Licht, where are you?" they shouted, worry etched in their voices. Dread formed at their minds and they looked at the deeper woods in fear.

They entered the forest, and while they are looking, Misa saw her husband freeze when they reached deep enough. Concerned, she placed her hands on her husband. "Saber, are you alright?" she asked, panic gripping her in a vice grip at the urgency she saw in his eyes. "Let's find her and quick!" he ordered her and she nodded.

"Licht!" she heard her name being called and she muffled her giggle as she heard footsteps nearing her. She remained in that position until she heard the worry, urgency and panic in her parent's voice.

"Licht, please come out now." Misa begged her daughter to come out. She cried in relief when she heard shuffling, then Licht came out from the undergrowth. She pulled her husband to Licht's direction and they engulfed her in a tight hug.

"Mommy what's wrong?" Licht asked confused, she was showered with kisses from her parents, and then her father carried her. Saber looked out beyond the horizon, his facial features turning serious, he placed a lingering kiss on his daughter's forehead then he kissed his wife passionately before handing her their child.

"Misa" he said in a serious voice, and Misa started to panic once again as she clutched her child against her in a protective manner. "Run fast and don't look back," he whispered to her as he wiped her tears that already fell, she gazed at her husband's pained eyes. "Good bye." He uttered as he placed one last kiss on her lips, and then she started running.

Licht was confused why they were running and leaving her father behind. She looked into his eyes, and somehow she started to cry when she saw the emotion in them. He mouthed 'goodbye' to her as he smiled sadly at his princess for the last time.

"Mommy why are we running and leaving daddy behind?" she asked turning to her mother but she didn't respond, just kept running with tears falling from her eyes. "Mommy?" her voice was coated with fear and she looked back at her father.

They were far now but she can still see him and she froze when she saw a group of wolves start to attack him. "Daddy!" she cried trying to get out of her mother's grip but she held her tighter.

Fear crept into her whole body as she stared at one particular huge beast crashed with her father, the image of its onyx eyes forever embedded on her memory. "Daddy! " she cried again as she looked at him, until he disappeared on her sight.

And then they never saw him again.

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