Chapter 11

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The clouds had started to accumulate and casted a dark gloom to the villa. A droplet hit one of the window panes, followed by another until a slight drizzle started to create a melancholic sound. Licht looked out the window, transfixed at the rhythmic pounding of the rain outside.

The air started to get chilly; she heard shuffling at her side to see Clara stand beside her. She had been busy arranging the living room and was so lost in her own thoughts to not sense the timid maid. "Do you think everything's alright?" She heard Clara ask, taking hold of the broom and starting to sweep the imaginary dust.

Licht observed her friend, despite her shy countenance, she knew Clara worried for John, just like how she worries for Lark. She had no idea why they feel such things about their employer and his friend but they just do. There was a moment of silence before she sighed and gave a shrug.

"I honestly don't know. I wanted to know what their job is but then again, it's not our place to meddle." She answered, an unknown ache spreading on her chest. She wanted to help him, she has no idea why but she just wanted to wipe that grim look he always have and see him smile.

She had been wondering why she's so concerned and worried about him. She's only like that with her family. Besides, being near him evoke feelings that confused her and made her mind and heart wager against each other.

She heard Clara's defeated sigh and she turned to see the other girl's face fell.

"I know. It's just, I want to help him but I don't know how. I don't even have any idea why I'm feeling like this, and towards someone very different than me to boot." Clara said as she plopped herself on the soft couch. Licht took the seat next to her. Sharing her sentiments.

"Do you like John?" She queried curiously, the other girl quickly blushed beet red up to the roots of her hair. Clara hid her face on her hands, trying to hide her embarrassment. Licht chuckled slightly, "I'll take that you do." Clara glared at her, but her eyes turned sad again.

"He's just so... sweet and kind to me. I couldn't help it. It's like there's something pushing me to him. I can't resist it. I don't know how to resist it!" She said hysterically, she turned to her friend. "Why do I feel this way Licht? I've never felt this way before. Why him? He's too perfect for me." Clara sobbed, her lips trembled and tears started filling her eyes.

Licht eyes hardened while she rubbed Clara's shaking shoulder. "What do you mean? I think you're perfect for him too. Don't be too hard on yourself Clara. You're a beautiful girl. Stop belittling yourself." She replied with conviction taking her friend in surprise.

The blush that started to fade was brought back in a force. Clara sputtered in embarrassment, Licht laughed at her reaction to her compliment. The brunette turned to pout at her. "Are you teasing me?" she asked and Licht shook her head no, still laughing.

She smiled at her timid friend. "Look, you should have more confidence in yourself. I won't tell you to go and confess to him but who knows, maybe he likes you too. But don't think that you're not good for him." She encouraged and despite the doubts still in her heart, Clara gave her a small smile and nodded her head.

"Thank you, Licht." She said quietly, just enough for her sharp ears to hear. She smiled despite herself, but it faltered a little as she thought about her own feelings.

If she was being honest, she knew what she felt earlier. She was jealous of that girl Andrea. She has never felt those things before and it was always hard for her to be honest with herself. But what she felt was so strong that it took her aback. Unknowingly, Lark has crawled inside her most guarded place.

Her heart.

And she doesn't know if she liked the feeling and the constant war raging within her.

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