Chapter 1

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"Here is you coffee, sir"

"Thank you, Y/N"

It's been five years here already working at this company. You were the assistant/secretary of the head of the company, Jeon Jungkook.

"Y/N? Give me those papers on the desk over there," he said impatiently.

Did you forget to mention that he's cold, strict, and most of the times even rude? But everyone loves him, because he was generous, if he wanted to be. Also very good-looking. You've been in love with him for five years already, and of course, you were getting nowhere with it.

The phone on the desk began ring.

"It's my mother," he mumbled to himself. "Y/N, step out of my office for a minute while I take this call."

As you step out of the office, you still wanted to know what this phone call was about. You gently pressed your ear on the door.

"Mother, I discussed this many times. I don't think I can make it to my sister's wedding. My schedule is packed."

"Of course you have to. It's for your sister. Plus, I can meet the girlfriend of yours... Unless you don't have one..."

"... Yes, of course I have one. How can I make that up?"

"THEN COME TO THE WEDDING. I already got the airplane tickets for you. You leave in three days. End of discussion. Good Bye."


{Jungkook's POV}

"What am I going to do?" he said out loud.

He thought about it for a moment. It would only be for two months anyways. This was the only solution.


{Your POV}

Your felt your phone vibrate as you stood up.

NEW Message:

[Jeon Jungkook]

I'm finished with my phone call. Please come in my office. We need to speak.

Getting called in the office is never a good thing. It was either you were fired or he decided to cut down your salary. Either wasn't good for you. Your salary was high but also one of the lowest in the company.

You straighted your blouse and skirt and walked through the door.

" Y-You wanted to speak, sir," you shuttered.

" Yes, Y/N, please take a seat," he said.

As you sat down, he began to speak again.

"This is actually really big what I am about to tell you. It is rather sudden and all, but I do hope you understand."

You nervously shift in your chair and nodded.

He cleared his throat and said, "It's is more of me asking you but.... Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

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