Chapter 5: Official?

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Lucas was there sitting at the table off to the side with a frappe for me and a latte for him. He smiled as I walked through the door. I sat in the chair in front of him.
"So, how'd you sleep?"
"I slept really well." I lied.
" I couldn't fall asleep. I was up all night thinking about you but, I'm glad you slept well." He grinned.
I blushed. He held out his hand from across the table and I took it. His eyes lit up.
"Can I take you somewhere?"
"Where do you have in mind, Lucas?"
"Somewhere special."
We walked out of Starbucks, hand in hand, and into a taxi. Lucas yawned and put his arm around me. I smiled and pushed his dark hair out of his bright green eyes.
About 30 minutes later we got out of the taxi and we were in the center of a garden. It was beautiful. The roses were in full bloom even though it was in the middle of Fall. I turned and an angel statue was standing there. Lucas laced his fingers through mine.
"This garden was dedicated to my mother. She died of leukemia a few years ago and my dad built it in her memory."
I stood there silently. I looked up to meet his eyes and I hugged him.
"I'm sorry." I managed to say to break the silence. He pushed my brown hair back and planted a kiss on my forehead.
"Thank you. It's been hard. My dad got lost in his work and left me to try to sort things out for myself. I come here often but, you're the first person I've ever brought with me."
"I'm happy you decided to share this with me. It must be difficult."
"I like having you here. Laura, I know I've only known you for a couple of days but, I really like you."
"I really like you, too, Lucas."
He smiled and pulled a box out of his pocket. He slipped it into my hands. I opened it to find an opal bracelet.
"I noticed your necklace and I saw that and I thought it would look great together."
I took it out of the box and he put it on my wrist.
"Thanks, Lucas. You didn't have to-"
"But I wanted to. Look inside the box." He said pointing at a slip of paper inside the box.
I unfolded the piece of paper. It said "Would you be my girlfriend?"
I smiled up at him. He looked really nervous. I loved the way he wore a small smirk.
"Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend."
He let out a sigh of relief. And we both sat down of the bench in front of the water fountain. He put his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest.
I love this feeling and I never want it to end.

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