Chapter 11: Asking Out and Figuring Out

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Maxwell looked at himself in a full length mirror in his room. Today he was going to the mall to pick up his costume with everyone else was going to be there as well with their moms and today he was going to ask Elizabeth to the dance. Right now he was working on his intro line to ask her out. 

"So baby how you doin', no I sound like douchebag. Elizabeth, you, me, dance, no that's way too demanding," Maxwell sighed in defeat but gave it one more try, "Elizabeth, me and you have been best friends for awhile and I was if you would do me the honors of being my date to the dance?"

Maxwell's smile faded. 

"No I feel like if she takes that the wrong way and think that if she wasn't my date she regret it." Maxwell groaned. 

He heard giggling in the background, he turned around and saw his baby sister on his bed. His face turned bright red for two reasons: 1 his sister heard him attempt to do pick up lines and 2 he wearing his shirt but not his pants.

"Juliette?! What are you doing in here?!" Maxwell's face was as red as a rose.

"Mommy says as soon as Jake and Jane get here we have to go." Julie smiled.

They heard the doorbell ring, Juliette ran downstairs. Maxwell pulled up his pants, he slipped on his shoes and headed towards the living room. Jake high-fived his friend while Juliette and Jane did a clapping game. 

"Did Quintin ever tell you about what happened between Jessie and Brandi?" Jill whispered.

"No. What happened?" Kimberly was getting a little surprised.

"Apparently from what Camilla told me they had gotten into a pretty bad fight and she might be convinced the he's having an affair with the new girl in his district Kathy." Jill whispered.

"NO!" Kimberly gasped.

"What's going on?" Maxwell asked turning towards the woman who raises him.

"Nothing," Kimberly ran her finger through his hair, "now take the girls and put them in the back seat and I want you to raise up the third seat."

They took their sisters and headed to the car. At the mall they we're looking in a large costume shop.

"I just texted Elizabeth and she said she should be here soon." Maxwell looked at his phone.

"Dude, it's kinda lame that they canceled the masquerade part of the dance." Jake groaned. 

"Hey guys." Gabe sounded a bit sad.

"Hey Gabe we heard what happen with parents, you okay?" Maxwell sounded worried.

"I don't want them to get a divorce that would suck, especially if the judge makes us choice who me and my sister get to live with." Gabe groaned. 

As if on cue Brandi walked over to the three boys, kissing her son on the cheek.

"So found your costume yet?" Brandi put her hands on her sons shoulders.

"No, not yet Mom." He did his best not to roll his eyes. 

"Okay I'm going over to find your sister's costume." Brandi kissed his cheek one more time before she left.

Gabe groaned in annoyance and slammed his head on the glass counter the displayed masquerade mask on the inside. Maxwell patted his friends back. Jake heard faint giggling and laughing. 

"Dude Elizabeth is here now's your chance!" Jake exclaimed.

"WAIT WHAT!?" Maxwell was caught of guard. 

Jake pushed Maxwell away from them and towards Elizabeth and her mom.

"Hey Max what's up?" Elizabeth said as her mom walked over to the costumes. 


"What?" Elizabeth didn't understand.

"Will you be my date to the dance?" Maxwell said slower.

Elizabeth's cheek slowly began tinting pink. She was completely shocked, her heart was racing with excitement. She took a deep breath and smiled.

"I would love to go to the dance with you." Elizabeth smiled.

Maxwell mouth dropped, the girl of his dreams said yes. He did is best not to jump with joy. He cleared is throat.

"Cool, see you up at seven then." Maxwell smiled nervously.

"Great than it's a date." Elizabeth smiled then kissed Maxwell on the cheek.

Over at the counter the girls were talking about Brandi's situation.

"So what are you gonna do about Jessie?" Jill asked grabbing that bag with her purchased costumes in it.

"I don't know, we haven't had sex with each other in 6 months and it's driving me crazy." Brandi groaned.

"Wow longest I've gone without sex was a 2 months after Davis was born." Penelope added.

"Thanks," Brandi said sarcastically, "that makes me feel so much better about the situation."

Kimberly put her arm around Brandi and hugged her.

"Maybe you should do what Daphne does when Orion hasn't had sex with her in a while." Kimberly had suggested.

This had caught both Brandi and Penelope's attention. What did Daphne, who was uptight most of the time, did behind closed doors with her husband?

"What does she do?" Penelope asked trying to not sound as interested as she really was.

"Well from what she told me,  she wore his favorite lingerie set, laid on the kitchen table and just teased him sexually until he couldn't take it no more." Kimberly answered. 

Penelope smirked she was going to make sure that if she told Taylor, he would let her live that down. Kimberly saw the smirk that was on her face and she knew what she was thinking.

"Penelope, I know that look, you gave the look a lot when we were back in high school. You're up to something." Kimberly said in a stern tone.

"What," Penelope laughed, "I'm much more mature than I was back in highs school. I would never do anything to hurt or upset my friends.

Kimberly could see right through her lies, Penelope trying to stir up trouble is something that she's always done since middle school and it's no surprise she doing it in her mid 30's.

"Penelope you're lying," Kimberly said, "you're better than that now, we're no longer in high school. If you don't want Elizabeth to have the reputation as you did then she's needs to learn from example. Please don't back to the Penelope you were in high school."

Penelope hung her head in shame, Kimberly was right. She wanted a better high school life for Elizabeth and Davis.

"You're right, I don't want my babies taking the same path in high school like I did. They need a mother who is a good influence on them." Penelope sighed.

Kimberly smiled at her friend, if anyone could make anyone come to the conclusion that they're going to be just like their past self, it was Kimberly.

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