the second meet

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Phoenix couldn't get Sherlock's face out of her head and she worried that if her father found out that she didn't kill him that he would send her to Scotland yard again. But Sherlock haunted her dreams and she saw him wherever she went . His blue eye's his dark black hair his sharp face features his voice oh how his voice rang in her ears and made her shiver.

Sherlock took the boy home and walked back to 221b baker street when he walk in Mrs. Huston the land lady was distraught .
" oh Sherlock what have you done upstairs "
Sherlock run up the stairs to his flat and saw inspector Lestrade and a few other police officers search though his flat .

" what are you doing " sherlock said angrily just as john walked in
" it's a drugs bust " Lestrade said raising his arms in a" isn't it obvious " shrug
" you can't just walk in and search my flat "
" actually I'm here to ask you something , where is the gas cylinders that went missing from the dead man's home "
" I have a sort of theory but I need time will you give me time "
" ok two days because that's the only time I have ok "
" okay "
" lets go guy's there's nothing here " Lestrade and the others walked out of sherlock's flat
" why'd you lie " john asked
Sherlock tosses john a wallet and sits in his chair .
" Phoenix dale blackwood , who is this sherlock "
" she gave the boy to me and I delivered him home , but she didn't steal him her father did "
" this doesn't make sense "
" what do you mean it makes perfect sense she is our killer she killed the man and took the cylinders then her father stole a teenage boy to get to me when the mother came to get help "
" but she came instead of her father why "
" because she knocked him out so the boy could go home "
" why "
" I don't know , she killed a man and yet she helped the boy "
" um Sherlock there a note in the wallet regarding the assassin creed "
" so she's an assassin , blackwood why does that that sound familiar "

Phoenix the assassin.      ( Sherlock + OC Character)Where stories live. Discover now