sherl's wounds

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Phoenix waited in the waiting room of the hospital . John walked in . " the doc said you can see him now , stay calm this might shock you " John lead her into sherlock's hospital room .
Phoenix held her breath as they walked in . When she went in her face went white . He looked weak ,skinny , hurt and pale . Her sherlock her poor sherlock was in pain she could see it .
Sherlock slowly opened his eyes .
" Phoenix ? " sherlock asked weakly , she was at his side in a second . " I'm here sherlock , it's going to be ok " tears were falling from her eyes .

John walked out and gave them a few minutes . He saw maycroft open the door along with molly .
" John " molly went over and hugged him " how is he ? " molly asked .
" not good , he's in constant pain the doctor has tried pain killers that hasn't worked " John looked at maycroft " hell we even tried whiskey " .

Maycroft walked in the room leaving John and molly in the waiting room . Phoenix looked at him .
" maycroft " she stood and hugged him . Maycroft hugged back and slowly let go of her and walked over to sherlock .
" you've hurt yourself now little brother " maycroft said sorrow filling his words .
" it's blackwood maycroft " sherlock dragged his words .
" Lestrade is tracking him now " maycroft said taking sherlock's hand .
Phoenix sat down in a chair by sherlock's bed . She stroked his hair . " he's going to kill Lestrade you need to find him " Phoenix looked at maycroft " my father hires assassin's but the creed assassin's if you could get help from ezro I could "
" NO " sherlock shouted in a hoarse voice both maycroft and Phoenix jumped .
" you are not going anywhere near Blackwood " sherlock coughs " and I'm not risking anymore lives , bring Lestrade back " .
" ok " maycroft sighed as he stayed sherlock's hand .
The doctor walked in " I'm sorry but Sherlock needs to rest , can you please wait outside " .
Phoenix nodded and she and maycroft left .

Maycroft grabbed Phoenix's hand and pulled him towards him .
" he's in pain Phoenix , he's weak if we are going to stop Blackwood then I'm going to need to know everything you do about Blackwood and the assassins creed " Phoenix looked at maycroft " I can't and won't tell you about the creed I swore to it but anything you need on Blackwood I have it " maycroft let go of her hand and nodded .

" start talking ".....

Hi again everyone , please tell me what you think about my story so far .
And remember to follow me ...

Phoenix the assassin.      ( Sherlock + OC Character)Where stories live. Discover now