A new home

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The flight was long winded. To say the least. 8 hours is a long time to be sat awkwardly with some spoilt little brat of a kid sat behind you kicking your chair. The flight wasn't even a good one, there was turbulence the whole way through and about 20 zillion air pockets. I spilt my coke about 3 times. When we landed, everyone rushed to get off the plane, but i hung back and took it all in, was all of this actually happening. Mum was calling me so i grabbed my hand luggage and left the plane. The surge of heat was instant. Making me strip layers of clothing off. I walked with mum until we met up with a tall man. He greeted us with a sign that said 'The Hutchinson's' we walked to him and mum gave him a hug- as if she knew him. I shook his hand and it turns out he is our reailtor. His accent makes me feel at home. My dad is American. That's why i don't understand why mum bought us here? why would she get away from him to the place where he is from? To be honest nothing made sense right then, everything had happened way too fast.

We pulled up outside my new house and it was absolutley huge! It was a beautiful classic brick with white window edges, even the front door was elegant! Our retailor helped us get out luggage into the front porch and then said he would check how we were doing in a couple of weeks. "What about all the furniture?" I asked my mum, she gave me a knowing look as she unlocked the front door.

"It comes furnished" I gasped as my mum opened the door. The first thing I noticed was the grand staircase going up the center of the room with a beautiful chandileir hanging above it.. There were two doors going off each side. I walked towards the one on the left and came into a huge elaborate living room with a beautiful fire place which was obviously the centre peice of the room. There was bookshelves lining the walls and a plasma tv hanging above the fireplace. There was a door to the side of the room which was a study. I went to the room on the other side of the main hall and found a giant kitchen, I wasnt that interested in cooking so I decided to look at it in more detail later. I then ventured upstairs to a massive hallway "Which room is mine mum?" I shouted, I wasnt sure where she was in the house "Second on the right" she shouted from somewhere far away. I made my way to my room and as soon as the door swung open I swear I fell in love. The walls were just off sky blue, there was a king size bed in the center of the room, A desk against the window on the left wall. Two doors on the right side of the room, I walked in a little and turned around and saw a tv on the wall to the right of the door. It was just perfect. I later discovered that the doors were an en suite and a walk in wardrobe. I was literally in heaven. Almost. Dad was missing from the picture and that gave me a sudden sadness. 

Me and mum didnt see much of eachother until dinner because we were busy unpacking but at dinner we spoke about the house. I went to bed early that night and drifted off to an easy peaceful sleep.

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