The Chopper banked left shuttered some,as she straightened out. Sargent Dawson kneeled down leaned out the door some, looking at nothing important just the tree tops maybe twenty feet below him.
He watched as they gained altitude. His dark eyes closed some from the wind, His head band covered in sweat the eagle feather floating in the wind. Dots of sweat on his bald head drying, except for the small Mohawk down the center.
He moved back in, his right leg dangling out the door.
Got his cigar going again. Checked his gear one more time.Spec five Owens kept his mind busy, wiping down his M14 carbine. Then he changed to his knife. Smiling and humming the entire time. His cap on backwards his flaming red hair just visible under his cap. Chewing gum
Like a crazy man. Paying no attention to any one.Spec four Peters dozed off jerked his head up. Made busy
going back over his check list. Field Dressings ten, alcohol, peroxide, bandaids, cotton swabs, scissors.
Antibiotic ointment, pain reliever. Disinfect wipes,
um one elastic band, small medical tool kit. Two rolls tape.
Exhaled a deep breath. Mumbled I'm good. Then patted the forty five under his left arm.Sargent Baldwin counted the beads around his neck.
Eleven and two knots. Damn eleven and a half months.
He thought I'm to short for this. Took a bite of plug
Offered some to Peters, he just shook his head and waved it off. Baldwin shrugged and chewed. His blue eyes closed as he dozed off.Spec four Jones pushed his plastic issue glasses up, tied his OD green bandana around his head pushing up his black hair. M60 belts wrapped around his chest criss crossed and one draped over his neck. Baby was across his lap. Jones said hey Staff when getten where we going? I done messed enough with this shit I've got it all.
Done it all. So many times. Its redundant!Staff Sargent Morgan waved him off. Long Ride Jonesie
A long ride. Damn bad enough I've got an Indian wanting to take scalps, Got a Black man been in country two months, done it all. Hot Damn love you guys.
Listen Jones, all of ya get some rest at least a two hour ride.Staff Sargent Morgan, a lifer thinks of himself as an
old Horse Cav. Trooper. Sandy blonde hair, tanned face
old in appearance for his thirty years. He wears a Black Stetson the front bent up and pinned with crossed Sabers holding it up. Weapon of choice twelve gage shot gun, Colt forty five signal action revolvers and grease gun.Sargent First Class Osborne, lifer like Morgan. Team leader. Salt and pepper hair, face scared and old.
He carries an M14 and a hatchet plus a Browning 45 pistol.Osborne looked around the chopper, smiled some.
Thinking Morgan is right. Got an Indian wanting to
take scalps, a Black guy been here two months knows and done it all. One that's so short should of been left behind. Hell were all tired need a rest.Osborne yelled ladies get some sleep. The Crew Chief will wake us five minutes out. Just another day people!
Osborne leaned over towards Morgan," you got the hooch?"
Morgan smiled patted his ass pack, and nodded.
Osborne rested his head against the rear wall.
Closed his eyes, man this is fucked up. I'm a life taker and a heart breaker, but this is one fucked mission.
Get to a small Vil near hill 112. Make contact with
a Priest of the local church. Fuck me running.
I'll let Father Joe tell them who or what Vasquez is.
I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it myself.Morgan looked around the chopper, every one was either sleeping or just zoned out. He hit his smoke.
Smiled, what away to live walk around with a bunch of
Life takers.Morgan slid towards the door, watched the terrain then looked at his map board. Damn he thought. Nothing even
matches the map yet. He kept looking I don't recognize
any features. This is just wonderful he mumbled to himself. Going God knows where. I know we are out of
artillery support now. So air support is all that will be left.He heard ten out. Morgan tapped Osborne. Mouthed ten out. The rest moved around stretched and were wide awake or back to the reality. No words or signals they
all moved towards the doors. Like a machine in auto.Then Lock and Load! Three out!
The Chopper dropped fast, faster than normal.
Hovered, in unison they jumped out, what seemed like twenty feet, but only four at the most. They formed a small V Osborne in the center. Moved at a run into the trees.Dawson and Owens discussed the direction of travel.
Established 1000 meters or klick direction check in this triple canopy Forest.
Owens wanted point first but
Dawson took it. Owens fell back informed Morgan of the situation.
Morgan agreed. Owens bit is lower lip,
I don't trust Osborne Morgan.Morgan nodded his head. I don't know. He's in charge
but this direction thing he won't argue. We're fine just
watch your back in the process it's watching mine.Osborne motioned to move out.
Baldwin shrugged and were walking in low voice.

HorrorAn unnamed Demon Strives to control all. Alluring the voice of a Siren. The bringer of death. Is it the Queen of Hell, is it the Alpha? A small Group of people try and stop This Thing , it's blood lust and hunger Never Ending.