Chapter 9 Part Two ,Homeward Bound

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Morgan was pissed, him and his team.
Just ended up getting stuck. No fucked into
Helping find the Demon.

He told them those fools, at the Vatican he wanted
no part of it. None what so ever. Damn in ten minutes. He was on the phone. They would help.
He had no say. Report back get his team.
Start back at the beginning.

Peters finally looked at Morgan and said, Boss
get me out of this. Please, that Demon smelled
my fear. I could get us all killed.

Peters listen It was toying with you. I promise
if it can be helped you won't have to deal with
the Thing.

Well Boss I'm not certain it will work that way.
I'll see if Mom knows of some kind of weapon
or protector device. To at least hold her back.

Morgan nodded long flight think I'll get a drink
maybe sleep after.
Peters nodded ya lets get a drink.

The many, The All crouched in a small cave.
I'm free she yelled! The Bone and Scepter
Lay in mound before her. She pulled out some
Fur placed that with it. Covered it with some dirt and a few rocks.

Yes that should do it, this is a safe and hidden
place. Now where to?

Oh North American, to Dublin and the Airport.

She It The Thing left the small cave. 

Morgan and Peters arrived Fort Bragg.

Boss I'm going to call Mom. Do I need to check in?

Morgan shook his head I got it. Listen not a word.
Its late, tell the team in the morning.

Besides they are all probably still out and about.
I'm heading out to Rubies for a drink.

Peters yelled have a good time boss.

Instead of calling he just sent a text.

Mom I made it back. I'm safe Demon is very
strong. It entered the Vatican. Found the Priest
and killed him. Protect yourself and Home.

Its Caoranach Lilith, many more. What can
we do to protect ourselves? Love you answer
me in the morning.

Morgan left Rubies headed, for his home well
the team leaders room. He got the team, Hell
of time to take over. Demon hunters, talking
fucked up. He didn't even change fell on the
bed and out.

Major Parkers Office,
Sargent Morgan reports, Sir.

Have a seat, morning Morgan.
Um don't know what happened in the Vatican.
Don't want to know.
Morgan strings were pulled, I didn't want my
People sent off on something for another country
city what ever it's considered.

So Start back at that Village, figure this thing out.
Get back here. Just get it done.
Any Questions?

Morgan had some, but it seams, he couldn't get
the answers he needed. Well sir we'll figure it
out. Can't think of any now.

Brief your people be out of here in two days.
Good luck Morgan.

Thanks Sir, I'll keep you in the loop.

That's all Morgan.

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