The Child Demon

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Hauser led the way into the lab, one of the many used by the Vatican around the world.
Hauser pushed the last door open.

Morgan said we are alone, Hauser uncover it.
No sense putting it off.

Baldwin said ya can't be worse than that evil thing

Hauser pulled the cover off, my look its burned
badly but four horns. Looks similar to what you described Morgan.

Morgan looked, yes it does down to the knees bending the wrong way. The face is burned to bad to tell what that looked like if it looked human.

Definitely female though Baldwin mentioned.

Hauser said, we know it Can die. Looks like a stab wound the stomach and chest. Probably burnt after.

Morgan said but what stabbed it? What kind of weapon.

Baldwin said Boss Anna had this Demon child.
She killed it. I'd say with that Bone the Evil thing wanted.

Morgan thought a moment, OK we know it was probably that Bone. So how do we get it?
Where do we find it?

Hauser said, Morgan you know where to start.

Baldwin looked around, well when do we go?

Morgan said, in the morning. Hauser how far to this place.

Well not more than an hour at best.

Well lets get some rest, head out early say zero nine hundred. Hope the hell that thing is gone or sleeping. Rather have means to kick its ass.
Than to get us all killed.

Baldwin smiled Roger that I said.

Lilith The Evil found a nice under ground crypt
to sleep in. Such a lovely place to sleep. Under a Church. Silent no one will come down here even
in day light.

Morgan was out right tired, he hasn't slept right sense this began. One good nights sleep is all I ask.

Baldwin took a drink of Bourbon, smiled so nice.
Hauser sipped his. You know Baldwin. Morgan
seems almost out of it.

Don't worry old Morgan will kick out of it.
Hell seen us in worse spots than this. Maybe not a Demon. But no win situation. He just needs a good sleep. Not used to getting his ass kicked that badly.

Hauser smiled wasn't worried about him doing his job. More worried about his health. Need him full strength. Baldwin I trust your judgement.

They both laughed held up glasses and drank.

Morgan strolled in glass in hand, need a boost to relax. May I ?

Baldwin poured, Morgan drank it down, better, night guys. Morgan turned around, Oh if I don't
make it out. Baldwin tell Sherry she is still the beneficiary to the life insurance policy. Use it to put Laura through school.

Sure Boss but hey, we will all make it out. Old Baldwin will see to it. Go get some sleep.

Lilith found a corner, concentrated on Morgan.
Hear me, hear me Morgan. I know you are close.
So close, I can smell you. Lilith wants your seed.
Oh how I want it. Then I'll Feed on you after.

Morgan shot up, sweating heart beating fast.
Damn her, every night for two months.
I know it's not a dream. Bitch leave me alone.
Go ahead I'll let you have my seed. Kill you before you have chance to Feed Bitch.

Hauser smiled well Baldwin I'm done. Just enough
to relax me. I'm hitting the sheets.
Baldwin smiled yep I'm done too, night man.


Morgan said this is where they found it.
Damn where it come from, has to be a hiding spot.
Where, where would it be?
Baldwin said cave hole in a mound, think Boss?

Hauser shouted yes got to be.
Morgan said map check the map. Slight rise like a circle maybe. We just can't see it. From the ground
Not that high.

Baldwin said, if I'm correct we are on top of it.

Hauser shouted, look those stones sticking out of the ground. You think. As he was running to them.

Morgan was a few steps behind. He looked in.
Nope I'm not going in with out a flash light.

Baldwin picked up all three field bags. Turned on his flash light. I'll go first, don't dally I'm a little big to be fighting in a hole.

Morgan laughed, yep old friend I know, you are right. Be right behind you. Hauser keep an eye out.
Yell if something anything don't feel right.

Hauser nodded. I'll watch.

Baldwin said hey Boss not real high of a ceiling.
But we'll both fit. Morgan squirmed his way in.

Morgan looked around small fire pit. That small
Mound in that little alcove. Baldwin looked inside,
Boss a Bone some kind of scepter.

Morgan said that's what we are looking for. Don't move it. Need to figure away to get it. With her in here.
We move or take it now. I think she will know.

Baldwin looked around, don't think we will all fit.

Morgan thought a moment, OK I'll stay inside.
Keep her occupied. You come in grab the Bone kill her. If you can't Hauser is the next one in.
OK lets get out of here, let Hauser know the plan.

Baldwin shook his head, don't like it Boss.
Not one Damn bit.

Hauser said the same thing. Morgan finally said
guys she been bothering me in my sleep.
She wants my seed. Well let her come and try and get it.

That should keep her busy enough. For one of you to finish her off. 

They took a break decided on the best place for them to hide. Morgan put a listening device in the cave. So they new when to come in.

Morgan said well guess I better get back in the
Hole. He took his last hit on a smoke. Crawled into
the tomb. Morgan thought tomb bad word for it.
Lit a smoke took a drink of Scotch. Well just wait it out.

Morgan felt a chill, then his stomach wrenched up.
She coming God it stinks. Morgan felt his body tense ready kill if the plan didn't work.

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