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Morgan shivered a little from the chill. Then it returned to normal. He smelled flowers fresh mowed grass.
Lilith Appeared, Morgan how nice to see you.

Morgan felt drawn to her, like nothing he never felt before. The voice Oh So Beautiful, she's so Beautiful. I've Got to have her. His pecker against his pants waistband, hard as a rock.

Lilith smiled, as she slipped out of her yoga pants.
Then her scoop neck T-shirt. Her red hair lay outside her breasts.  Nipples hard.
Morgan fought for control, damn you are Hot he smiled at her.
Baldwin went to move towards the small cave.
Hauser grabbed his shoulder, no not yet he said in a low voice.

Morgan still no fear, that I can sense. Why Morgan?  He wouldn't answer. Tell me Morgan please.

Why because only thing that was left to fear.
Was death, seen enough to not fear that. So
why should I fear you?
Morgan I'll take your seed.  Feed on you a little at a time before, I kill you.

Morgan came out of it, after what she said.
I'm still not afraid, I'll find away to kill you Bitch

Baldwin had broke loose from Hauser's grip.
He was plunging into the cave about the time
Morgan said Bitch.

Lilith It turned, Baldwin It shouted! As It was turning into it's Evil Self.

Baldwin moved as fast as he could towards the alcove to grab the Bone.

Morgan pulled his two peace keepers, figured if he fired enough it might keep that thing focused on him.

It came to full form. Hissing and Growling. Yellow Teeth showing, the stench of Sulfur and rotten eggs. Eyes darting towards Baldwin.
Morgan fired both pistols at the same time. Hitting It.

The Thing turned leaped towards Morgan.

Hauser dove through the opening grabbed Its leg.
That was enough to get to stumble.

Baldwin grabbed both the Bone and the Scepter.

Morgan fired again, the Thing screamed as it stumbled again.

Hauser grabbed both legs, It turned to fight him.

Baldwin swung the Scepter hitting The Beast in the left eye and forehead.
She dug her claws into Hauser, Morgan fired again
Hauser let her go, she leaped at Hauser trying to rip his throat open.

Baldwin tried to stab the Thing missed and fell.

Morgan grabbed a rock used it like a hammer,
Hitting the Thing in the leg.

Hauser was bleeding badly from his neck. Not a death cut. But a bloody one.

It climbed out of the cave, Morgan, Baldwin and Hauser! Come out fight in the open!

Morgan was out Hauser behind him panting hard.
Baldwin shouting you ugly Whore you will die!

Morgan tossed one of pistols aside, thinking I've got one shot left. I won't fire until it's on us.
Then I'll fight hand to hand.

Hauser pulled out his make shift wooden short spear or knife. Baldwin tossed the Bone to Morgan.

It looked them over cocked its head, laughed you Three Oh So Brave. My Bone the Scepter Now!

Baldwin smiled, come take it Demon Bitch!

Hauser wiped the blood off his neck, yes Bitch come and get them! I'm still standing and ready to fight!

The Thing It said, I smell your Fear Hauser the smell is lovely.

Morgan Charged the Demon, I'm not pissing myself
over you!

The Evil leaped up and over Morgan, darted towards Hauser full speed.

Hauser held his wooden knife out like a lancer would to stop a charging horse. He drove it into the Beast, it knocked him down as it ran bye him.

The Evil pulled out the stick from its shoulder.
Blood a black thick mass dropped out.
The Demon screamed then charged Hauser again,
Ripping his back and neck open. Hauser fell dead before he hit the ground.

Baldwin stood beside Morgan, Boss we are going to make it. The Thing bleeds it dies!

Ha, ha! You two, shame both would of had good seed. Whats a Woman to do? Bang me I'll turn back to my pretty self. You two will live.

Morgan shouted, it ends tonight!

So it shall Morgan!
Baldwin ran at It, swinging  the Scepter. The Beast ran towards him wooden knife in hand.

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