Vasquez fell into a deep sleep, as the Many All left him. His mind went blank quiet. He thought rest
Peaceful rest.The Many the All entered the young girls body,mind. She fought back. Struggling against it's will. The smell of flowers did no good. She yelled out Get out of my mind my soul.
She started praying, The Many shouted you will Give In! The evil started working uncontrollable
Fear entered her mind. She shivered her fear gave in. The Many Oh so ugly, face of a woman horns
Teeth of a Jaguar, long claw like finger nails.The Many talked in a soothing voice, Only a while
Just a day or two. Oh you are with child, but you
knew that. It's his isn't it. Well now don't fear I won't kill it.Well now, Anna yes that's it. We need to leave.
First, we need money, and you need clothes.
Can't walk out of here naked.Oh Anna that thought, you wish him dead.
We may need you both. His room has clothes
Two stacks of money yes take it.Anna dressed looked in the mirror, The Thing
Soothed her mind. Cleared her face of blemishes.
Gave her a more alluring appearance. Anna smiled
where to?Anna and The Thing headed towards the river,
the red boat. That's the one, take it up river about
15 kilometers. We'll catch the train.Anna you are so much easier to work with.
We'll let you kill him. We need something first.It was late evening between the boat and train
before they got to San Jose Cancasque.Anna The Thing found the Local Church.
The vaults below the building. I need to get into
one of them. Marked Lilith we must do this.Anna didn't want to go into that crypt.
The Thing got angry you will! I'll rip you apart
from the inside out. I don't need you Bitch!Anna could feel her gut pressing out, it hurt.
I'll force that small piece of life out of you.
consume it.Anna gave in decided not to let that, that Thing kill the baby.
That's wrong, she may not want it. The child must
live its a part of her.She opened the door walked down the steps.
Opened the inner vault door.Remember Lilith towards the front. Oh Anna we found it. Shove the lid aside at the head.
Place filled with dust foul air. Anna that's not
me. The air from that sealed crypt.
Yes! That's it, grab the scepter. Mine yes,
foul Priest, now we go back to Vasquez.You can kill him if you wish. Anna pleaded lets stay
the night. Travel will be easier. We stay I feed.Anna moved on, they were back at the river by
daylight. Vasquez woke to see, Anna looking at him.That was a restful sleep, best in years. Hello Anna.
The Thing spoke, I have what I need but one thing.
Well two, Anna booked a flight to Rome.
We'll need money did you have a pass port made
for her ?Vasquez tried to lie, well no I decided to keep her.
You lie you lie! Where is it? That drawer number
Four.I can become my ugly Evil looking self, I need to
Feed! The first thing I need.A black and Grey, yellow type slime oozed out of
Anna's skin. As it hit the floor it started to take
First the legs long and bent at the knee, then the torso. That had an hour glass shape. Arms long with long fingers half of the length was claw.The toes had claws. Then the head it looked like a woman, but eyes like a snake or lizard. Two horns just above the ears and forward. Curved to the front. Teeth like a cat.
It spoke, Vasquez,Anna see what Man has made!
Your Evil, made me. I'm The First I'm the beginning. I'm Caoranach, Lilith. The Queen the Mother to all, that is Evil! I'm so many, the room filled with stench of everything rotten.Vasquez yelled, you aren't what you said.
I will be, I only need my Bone back. I'll be complete. I'll be lovely attractive no man will
turn me away. I'll only need this to Feed.Vasquez you are my food. Anna will take me to Rome.
Anna pleaded, please don't must I watch?
I quick hiss shut up! Sulfur and rotten eggs.
Vasquez was so terrified he couldn't move or scream.
It ripped the front of the neck from
the adams apple down to the Rib cage.The bones cracked and popped. The claws tore
The flesh and skin away. The heart The Thing
Ate it chewing blood gushing out its mouth.Anna froze she couldn't move talk. Caoranach
Blended into Anna. With no fight from her.I'll be Lilith soon, Oh she is So Lovely.
If you work with me not fight, you shall live.Rome the same time Morgan and Peters arrived
Anna walked off the plane in Rome. The Thing
was happy as near as Anna could tell.
Got by customs and security.Anna, The Thing said it's Morgan and the one with
him must be yes it is Peters. I'm glad I made you
wear this tight short dress. Fits you like a glove.Oh watch how they will look. The Thing made the
air smell of flowers and everything nice.
Anna bumped into Morgan, in her voice that
drive men lustful. Excuse me where is the exit?Morgan looked almost stuttered, um just around
the corner to your left.
Anna walked off. Peters shook his head wow, Boss.
Morgan nodded yep double wow.Peters Finished his beer, his cell rang. Hello Mom.
Honey glad I called. I meant to tell you.
It could have two Sanctuaries. Remember
Fear it grows stronger on fear.Yes Mom I know, I remember a few things you've
said. I was getting ready to sleep. So I have to
go. Love ya Mom. Got meeting in the morning bye.Morgan glanced up at Peters I was just getting
ready to kill the light.I'll get it, as he was removing his shirt.
Night Boss. Yep night Peters. I've got the alarm set
for eight so we can get breakfast.Roger Boss.
Anna managed to slip out of a tour, Anna we turn down this hall. Mm um, here yes we kill the
Secretary for the Priest. Then we have access to
him. I smell my Bone, Oh he'll pay. I'll have my
Beauty back. I'll have the world again.Anna walked in the secretary looked up.
In an instant Caoranach was out, she had no time
to scream. Pumping heart in It's hand biting
it chewing, blood gushing all over. Anna shocked
terrified. Was she next.Now Anna stay put. I can get him now.
He's just the other side of that door.Caoranach broke into Father Brice's Office.

TerrorAn unnamed Demon Strives to control all. Alluring the voice of a Siren. The bringer of death. Is it the Queen of Hell, is it the Alpha? A small Group of people try and stop This Thing , it's blood lust and hunger Never Ending.