Morgan hated garrison duty. God stuck in an office.
Typing answering phones, dealing with stupid questions. Give me the Field any day.Only good thing Vatican wants to see us.
Me and Peters leave in the morning.Baldwin bounced in hey Boss, I just re upped.
Morgan looked at Baldwin, you staying here?
Wouldn't have it any other way. Your team made
sure of it.Morgan said good, still have your old rack,
check in at the team room. See what's up.
Oh tell Peters we leave tomorrow.Sure thing Boss.
Morgan looked out the window, Damn he thought
what was it I'm many I'm all. You can not comprehend them all. That's close enough.Hope who ever this person is we talk to, knows
more than we do.
Well hell it's chow time. Eat something I've got the rest of the day off.Vasquez paced about, well the Thing wanted to pace. I ask can we please sit?
The Thing replied, sit Vasquez relax. Let us think.He poured himself a Rum then got some chocolate.
Ate a piece took a drink. Smiled oh so good.
The Thing in such a voice that made him tingle and
Hard. We want a lady. Find us a lady.Vasquez laughed you want one to replace me.
So you can kill me.
No, no in that oh my I must do this voice.
We want sex that makes us think clear, and you don't interrupt.That one we made you keep, the one that does
Those well you know. Get her, do her on the desk!
We may want her after, feed time.Vasquez said please not her I've grown to like that
one. He smelled flowers the outdoors heard water
We won't feed on her yet. Have her brought in.
We know you lust for her.The Vatican
Father Brice thumbed through the notes of Father Joe. He stood turned looked at the case behind his desk, swords, spears, axes, daggers. Lined it gleaming silver polished copper, Gold, Bone, Stone.
All for one purpose to rid the world of a Demon.
He thought, my Father Joe lost him. His student gone. Eaten like dinner on a plate.Who will replace me? I'm old they may, just let
my position fade away. For the worlds sake. I hope
not. Nothing in his notes, that help to who or what
this Demon is.The two from the American Army, may have more.
They arrive today. I'll see them tomorrow.
I'll meditate and Pray today, ask for guidance.
Then we shall see.His phone buzzed, This is Brice. Father a Morgan and Peters have a letter stating you want to see them. Yes tell them I'm busy today, tomorrow at
Ten AM will work. Put them up, at a motel for the night. Yes Sir I'll tell them.Morgan, the Father will see you two at 10 AM tomorrow. Here take this card, it gets a room.
For the night.Morgan looked at him, messed with his Stetson
do we come here in the morning?
Yes I'll be here, I'll take you myself to meet him.
You do have time to catch a tour today. I can set that up.Peters looked at Morgan, Boss lets call it a day.
I'm hungry tired want a drink. Relax some.Morgan said no but after would be good.
You have a nice day. Oh some place we could get a bottle of Scotch?The Motel would know, they may even send someone for it. Very high class place.
Morgan nodded let's go Peters.
Vasquez had sweat running down his body,
he was breathing hard and fast. He nearly fell
when he finished. The young ladies muscles tightened a loosened. Her eyes closed her legs wrapped around him. The Thing made him hard again. It pleaded more, then demanded more!When it was done the poor girl was dry and tight.
The Thing flashed a vision for Vasquez, he felt sick
you are a Hideous Monster, you look repulsive!Am I? No I'm more than that I'm more seductive
and beautiful, than any living Woman.
You will go to a fast sleep, but first you must hide
a place safe. Take the girl with you.We need the girl. Vasquez grabbed her arm, come
the safe, only I know how to get in or out.
We shall hide in the safe. Vasquez closed the safe.
The Thing laughed Oh, such a stupid pass word to get out. Money, my too easy.Untie the girl, now Vasquez We shall put you into a deep sleep. We are taking the girl. We shall return.
Morgan and Peters had dinner, Morgan took a drink of Scotch, so did your Mom tell you any thing
we didn't already know?
Peters nodded, she thinks it has a Sanctuary.
She said didn't need to be close. Hell it could be any where.Morgan shook his head can't catch a break.
Well I'm beat you want to stay in the bar.
You got a room key. I'm done.Peters yawned I'll be up in a few, finish this beer.
Peters pulled his phone out hit contacts then hit
call mom.Voice mail, Mom I'm fine, don't worry, call when I can. See ya.

HorrorAn unnamed Demon Strives to control all. Alluring the voice of a Siren. The bringer of death. Is it the Queen of Hell, is it the Alpha? A small Group of people try and stop This Thing , it's blood lust and hunger Never Ending.