My Awesome story filled with fantasy and adventure and excitement

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Once Upon a time, in a magical kingdom where everybodys breath smelt of rainbows, There was a girl called Gen. She and her best friend Darin where out walking in the woods, looking for koalas, when all of a sudden BAM! Brittany popped out of thin air.

#@!&%$*@ hell Brittany! cried Darin as Gen shat her pants. Should I also mention that everybody shat butterflies.

Brittany had a crazed look on her face as she told Gen and Darin of a group of Princes she had seen in the local town.

" Well, I went down to buy maself a cold-pop, and I saw these HOT princes just strollin' through the town" She said

Well, this got Gen and Darin excited. Gen was hoping a few of the princes would be Mr. S or Aaron Tveit, while Darin hoped they would be Benedict Cumberbatch, or Ben Barnes, or the dude she saw at the shops yesterday while SHE was buying herself a cold-pop, or Rupert Grint, or Justin Bieber...

So the two girls decided to go to town to meet the princes. On the way though, they came to a bridge. The bridge was guarded by a fairy called Alex. Alex didnt want anyone crossing HER bridge, cos it was HER bridge.When Alex the fairy saw the two girls just about to cross her bridge she was furious. She raced up to the girls and said

"OI YOU $%^#&" 

This upset the girls a bit, as they had never been sworn to by a fairy. Wizards, yes, but not fairys.

So the girls decided to go around the bridge. 

" Im suprised noone thought of that before" Said Gen

" I know right?" Said Darin. And they continued their journey though the woods to see the princes. 

The girls walked a few kilometres, but became tired and decided to catch a bus for a little bit to rest their feet. At the bus station, a man riding his unicorn slowed down next to the girls where they are sitting.

"Hey you two" He said

"Whats the matter, sir" Said Gen, cos shes polite

" My names Smithers and I lost my glasses. Can you two please help me look for it on my unicorn? 

Gen got up to help the poor man, but Darin was less trusting

"Gen," she said "I dont think we should trust him, because he looks, smells, acts like, and feels like a pedo," and giggled at her un-intended pun.

Just then, Gen looked up and saw Smithers trying to drag Darin into his unicorn. Darin screamed as Gen kiked the man in the goolies. They then both sprinted through the forest and decided to miss the bus to see the princes and walk instead.

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