Darin, Brad and Gen were sitting in the dungeon. Darin and Brad were playing chopsticks whilst Gen, ever the socialite, was playing on her DS in the corner.
Weeel Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeel.
That was the bittersweet sound of a harmonica coming from the cell next to theirs.
"Geez Darin, you're so dumb." Brad exclaimed as he beat her yet again.
"Thankyou Brad," she replied, giving her best death stare , "I'm only in AE."
"Hey, it wasn't my idea to insult Lord Peppy. Thanks to you we are now stuck in a confined area with a terrible harmonica player."
Weeeel WeEEEEEEEEeeel
Darin was pissed off.
"Can you please cut that out?" She screamed, standing up and running to the bars. Inside the cell she saw three young men: one tall, with brown eyes and dark hair; another tall, not so ripped and with blue eyes and neatly gelled blonde hair, playing the harmonica; and the third a greek god.
The one with the brown eyes looked up from his booklet of maths exam answers to Darin.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry," He said, slapping the blonde one on the back of his head, causing the harmonica to hurtle its way across the cell.
"Thankyou." Darin said, and flashed a smile.
"Fuck you" The blonde one said, rubbing his head.
Even with her earphones in, Gen somehow heard the swear and ripped them out of her head, TURNED OFF HER DS and looked over to the commotion.
She couldn't believe her eyes.
Sitting barely ten metres away from her was a boy. They locked eyes. Her world was in slow motion, the cheesy 80s love song began to play. Could it be? Gen had found her slick-haired, harmonica playing prince?
"My names Yuvalina," The brown-eyed guy said to Darin, extending a hand, "and you?"
Darin's ovaries exploded as she replied, "Darin."
"Darin. What a beautiful name for a beautiful face" He said as he shook her hand.
"I play the saxaphone." The greek god said.
"Cool." Said Brad.
My Awesome story filled with fantasy and adventure and excitement
HumorThis is a story about 2 girls who go in search of Princes that look exactly like Benedict Cumberbatch to marry, because they are desperate. They run into lots of troubles on the way...