Chapter twenty two: That Sinking Feeling

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On Nick's side of trouble, the Nexus entourage caught on to his little trick and was right back on his heels as they all began to cross over a bridge. This bridge did go over water, but there were multiple smaller and larger one-way bridges twisting and turning like a poorly construed quilt. They sped in a life or death game of cat and mouse, expect in this edition, the maze they ran through was one straight line.

The bridge they found themselves on had two lanes and they were just lucky enough to find that there wasn't enough cars to cover both lanes, allowing them to speed through. The gun fire never hesitated to continue as more than enough cars got caught in the cross fire sending them into frenzies all over the small road. One car turned completely sideways, blocking the way behind Nick and Adrian and a Nexus car smashed through it effortlessly, sending it into the air and over the side.

Whoever was inside was more than assuredly dead, but no one had time to feel guilty given this was far more than some street race. Adrian sat back inside the car, catching his breath.

"These guys are relentless." he heaved.

"I'm sure a polished Nexus solider—he weaved around another car—has a lot more than just his gun." Nick replied, only able to focus on the road.

Getting the message, Adrian unhooked something from his belt and looked back at the cars pursuing them. They were swirling around cars just as easily as Nick was and were only gaining speed. The moment he had a clear shot, he chucked the splicer grenade at the first one. Right when the car ran it over, it exploded. The fancy thing about this grenade was that it exploded only upward and downward from it's flat surface. The hood of the car along with it's front wheels soared through the sky, making the rest of the car began to grind and screech across the bridge in a flurry of sparks. Only to then flip up into the air at the impact of the Nexus car behind it. Good to know that they were team players.

The end of the bridge was fast approaching and Nick felt a woof of joy before he felt like his best chance of surviving was to just off the bridge into the water. At the end, he could see a less than faint machine targeting it's eight barrel cannons at the duo.

The tank had returned. 

"They really don't care about human casualties do they?" Adrian asked blatantly as they knew jumping off would be the less suicidal choice over driving straight into the thing. Before they could even make a choice, it began firing and blasting into the bridge to knock them right off the map and replace them with a charred hole on the globe.

Nick was doing well at avoiding them but that monster had eight barrels and Nick only had two lanes on the narrow bridge. One blast took out the entire left side of the bridge and the whole thing threatened to fall into the river. With a silent prayer, Nick pulled the steer all the way to the left, causing the car to swerve in correspondence. Nickolas had intentionally sent them straight off the side.

Nick and Adrian could feel their stomachs lodge themselves into their throats and had that nausea feeling as rocks and ruble journeyed with them down into the depths below. Adrian felt bile build in his esophagus as the car just so happened to land on one of the many twisting bridges below.

He wasted no time revving the car to action and pushing full throttle and had to dodge an oncoming car, realizing that this one was a one-way in the opposite direction. He sped to the end as he saw that he was just too fast for the tank to lock onto. Hopefully, that would be the last of the beast. 

They let out onto the main road on the other side and saw that they were in Chinatown. Asian square lanterns and streamers decorated the village-themed area as dusk seemed to already settle in the sky. All the buildings and stores were all made out of pure glass walls with Asian symbols and dragons danced all across the antique shops. Some, with the soothing designs of the spas to be contradicted by the fiery display of the restaurants. Pink blossom tress lay sprouted in every corner they could fit and the glossy black tiles that had for the roads that mixed with the darkening sky to give the place that authentic Chinese feel in all of it's red, orange and yellow glory.

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