My Nightly Routine

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this is my nightly routine/when I get home from schoool routine!

November 6,2013

1) get a snack and play on my phone for about 15 minutes

2)do homework

3) some days I go to the grocery store with my dad. Well most days

4) study if I have a test the next day

5) take a bath (yes I take baths #sorrynotsorry )

6) I go back and study more

7) after I'm done studying, I go to my bathroom and wash my face.

Wash my face routine:
I use Clinique so
1) step 1
2) step 2
3) step 3

Then I have these like dots near my nose and I finally found something that's working (after trying for like 2 years!) and I put that on

8) brush my teeth. I have this timer so I do exactly 2 minutes

9) go in my mom's room and put lotion all over my legs to make them smooth

10) go pee loll

11) get in bed and play on my phone

12) after what feels like 1 minute but it's actually longer I turn my phone off

13) go pee one more time haha

14) go to sleep

This is my nightly routine! Any suggestions? I'm gonna start posting on a daily basis! Thanks y'all

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