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Chapter 13: Signs

" Woods, Jeffrey
Age: 15
Height: 5'7
Race: Caucasian American
Patient burnt and bleached in fight. Thirty-seven stitches.
Was given large amounts of iodine, morphine." The police man read. He examined Jeff's ID picture before he was attacked and burnt.
" Is this the guy?" The other police man said.
" She said Jeff was the only friend of her daughters that was in the hospital, so it's gotta be him."
" Right... Should we tell Sheriff Johnson?"
" Hell no!" He said.
" Why not, James?" The other one said.
" Because every time we report something to Johnson he takes all the credit for something that WE do. This time! It's gonna be different; this time we are going to solve this one along, David. And then they'll see who the REAL heroes are!" James said. David nodded. James continued flipping through pages of Jeff's profile information given at the hospital. David looked at his partner with some envy. David wanted some credit for work too, but wasn't brave enough to step up to his boss like James was; needless to say, David was jealous.


" Ma'am is this him?" David asked Emily's mother.
" Oh my god... Yes! Yes that's him! That's the boy!"
" Funny. This boys family was just murdered and he's missing." James said.
" So now we've got two missing kids?"
" David, these two went missing on the same day."
" James... You don't think that..."
" Oh my god." James gasped.

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