The End of Our Stars

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Chapter 18: The End of Our Stars

" Now, you stay here my sweet. Ill be back with some more supplies."

" Can't you stay just a little bit longer?" Emily begged.

Jeff put his pale cold hand on her shoulder.
" We have to leave soon, I want you to have as much food and water as possible." Jeff explained." Their on to us, I can sense it, and soon enough they'll take you away from me."

Emily pouted not wanting Jeff to leave. She turned around and faced the wall, picked up a crayon and started drawing on the walls again. Jeff cracked his necked and left the house in a dash, and headed to the nearest house he could find.

Jeff was lurking in the bushes to see if there was anyone out. The coast was clear, and Jeff headed out again. He ran up to the closet house there was, slowly open the window but realized it was locked. " Shit!" Jeff said knowing that he has no choice now. He turned his knife around and slammed against the glass window, causing it to shatter and break. He carefully climbed through the window and start searching the house for food and bags.

Jeff heard mumbling upstairs and smiled. He crept up the stairwell and listened carefully to where the talking was coming from. When he found the location, Jeff opened the door to a woman and a woman lying in bed, staring at him with intense fear.

" Mommy, why don't I have a daddy?" Jeff said and giggled. One of the women screamed and Jeff bounded her with his knife; the other woman got away and ran downstairs to call 911. Jeff followed her.


"Shes in here! Move move!" The officer said as they approached the house. Jeff followed closely behind them and snuck in the house.

"Emily,  where are you?! We have to go!" He called out. Jeff started to hyperventilate, bursting through every door he saw to find his beloved. "That bitch!" He cursed at the woman who called the police, assuming this was all her fault. Jeff noticed something he hasn't noticed before... was that a passage to an... attic? He pulled on the rope and out came a ladder.

He climbed up the ladder and looked around. "Emily? Baby we gotta leave are you here?!"
"... Jeff?"
He smiled widely hearing his love. "Come on we gotta go!"
Emily appeared from a corner and ran to Jeff. Jeff caught her in his arms and held her. Eventually they made it down, quietly and ninja like, into the kitchen where they snuck out the back door... only to run into an officer. "Hey I found them! I found-" Jeff acted fast and stabbed the officer in the neck, slicing it open, but it was too late. He grabbed Emily and made a run for it into the dark woods that they lived in front of. The guard dogs on their trail as they barked and growled, chasing them down along with the police.
"Come on Emily! Run faster!" Jeff demanded. She tried to pick up her speed but her legs could only move so fast. Jeff shoved her to the side and into a bush, soon joining her as they hid. "Stay down and keep quiet."
  Emily nodded.
  She could hear the guard dogs sniffing, and her heart raced faster with fear. She could hear Jeffs too, his sounded more horrifid than hers, he must of been really scared to lose her... she scooted closer to him and held his hand, squeezing it. 

"Lets check over there." The sherriff said and the cops searched around the area. The police dogs sniffed the area and growled, soon picking up a scent. Jeff's scent. And they began to bark and lead the cops toward the bush. Jeff cursed under his breath and pushed Emily out of the bush, grabbing her wrist and began to run again.
        They ran and ran until they couldn't run anymore. Jeff eventually stopped to catch his breath, Emily stood beside him. "Come on Jeff, we have to keep moving!" Emily tugged his hoodie, scared out of her mind.
"I can't go any further..."
"Don't say that!"
"Emily," he stands up and grips her shoulders," you have to keep running."
"Not without you I'm not." Emily protested, tears forming from the corner of her eyes as she stared into her lovers dead black eyes. "I love you, Jeff. We gotta stay together!"
"I love you too." He heard the dogs barking in he background and sighed. "Listen, Emily, you have to keep moving, don't worry about me. I love you and always will... please, go."
Emily stared at him blankly, totally frozen by what he was telling her.
"Go!" he shoved her and then ran towards the cops, his knife glued into his hand as he jolted towards them. Emily watched as he disappeared into the blackness of the woods, the fog rolling in as he dashed away. She was just about to turn around and dash back to the house... when suddenly-


        The heart shattering sound of a gun being fired echoed through the woods, the birds squaling and flying away with each shot fired. Emily fell to her knees, thinking she had be shot at, her heart skipped a beat and she had blacked out for a split second. Once she realized she wasn't dead she have a sigh of relief but remained on the ground. She heard whistles and yelling, dogs barking and foot steps stomping, coming towards her as her head pounded with exhaustion and fear. Soon she felt herself being lifted off the ground. Jeff?
"I got her I got her!" one of the police men called out to the others. She didn't know what happened after that, she lost consciousness for a few minutes. What brought her back to reality was the sound of an ambulance siren and flashing lights; the lights flickered on and off with every beat of her heart and her mind flickered in and out of consciousness. She heard voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Her vision was blurry, but she could see figures running after her. Was it her parents? She guessed correctly. She was wheeled into the back of the ambulance along with another body. Her head tilted to the side and looked at the bloody covered up body that was beside her. She saw that the person's arm was dangling from the side, she squinted to get a closer look, but all she was was white...
        "Jeff?" she mumbled, but nothing answered her. "Oh Jeff..." her voice cracked at the sight of the blood soaking the sheet where his torso was. Blood dripped off his pure white hand, making a tapping noise as it hit the floor. Emily reached out and grabbed his blood covered hand and squeezed it, the ambulance soon started to drive off to the hospital, it shook and slanted as it drove on the bumpy country road. Emily kept a grip on Jeffs hand tighly.
"I promised I'd never let you go... and I'm keeping it." Emily said before blacking out once more.

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