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It had been a few months since the Giant War and people were at peace, finally starting to have fun again. Laughter could be heard once more echoing throughout the valley, bouncing over the strawberry fields and blowing into the training ring. The sun seemed to shine a bit brighter as well, as if the world itself was basking in the serenity.

Reyna was at camp, staying for a few months in order to create a stronger alliance between herself and Chiron, as well as the other greek campers. Thalia was also visiting, Artemis granting her and a few wounded huntresses time off to heal physically after the battle. Camp was flourishing with the presence of the Oracle as well, Rachel officially living in her cave in the valley, the seven and their friends on Half-blood Hill as well.

And... it was spring, and only the gods knew what Aphrodite and her scheming talents had in store.


"Hey Percy!" Jason ran over to his brother-in-arms along with his girlfriend, Piper, jogging behind the blond young man. "Pipes and I were talking -- what if we got the whole gang together plus some. We could chill out, play some games.." Jason raised his eyebrows at the word 'games', draping his arm around the bronze skinned girl beside him. Her kaleidoscope eyes sparkled with mischief in the afternoon sun, unable (or un-wanting) to settle on a single shade.

"The, uh, Stolls," She quieted her voice but kept her posture casual, "Promised to bring booze," A smile cracked across her face.

"Dude, I am so in," Percy gave a friendly slap to Jason's shoulder, eyes scanning the field, landing on a dichotomous pair. "Oh shit, look, it's Nico and Will!" The trio turned to look at the two boys, one a pallet of shadows, the other of sunshine. One might notice the ebony-hair boy's smile -- shy, tugging at the corner of his mouth, like a shy child peeking out from behind their mother's skirts at the returning sun of a grin from Will. Jasons eyes got wide and a smile twitched at his mouth, watching the boys walk out of the Hades cabin.

"Oh my gods, what did your sister call them, Solangelo?" Jason squealed looking at Piper and Percy "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!" Piper rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's antics, but secretly wondered the same thing. Half the camp couldn't help but notice the boys' growing affection for each other, their constant shared days.

"Bro," Percy said with a devilish grin, about to dash off when Piper ducked out from under Jason's arm, stopping him with a shake of her head.

"Guys stop -- Will and Nico aren't even dating. They will absolutely think it's suspicious if we invite them together, considering the sort of night it will be."

"I mean I could point out the obvious," Percy nodded to the pair, the blonde breaking out into laughter at what seemed to be a sly comment from the son of Hades.

"You know Nico. He'll get embarrassed and deny if he's with Will if you confront him, c'mon" Percy and Jason both nodded, chastised, and agreed.

"Jason, what if you go talk to him? Make it casual, don't mention Will? I was going to head over to train anyways," Percy turned around uncapping Anaklusmos -- right into the arm of another camper. The wound wasn't deep, but it did earn a 'what the fuck' and the attention of one Will Solace.

The son of Apollo turned quickly to Nico, who said what looked to be an 'its okay, go'. Jason, scoffing at Percy's apparent plan, shook his head but jogged over to Nico with a wolfish grin. Percy walked with Will and the camper to the tent, the camper thankfully appearing not too angry -- more amused at the son of Poseidon's seeming lack of awareness.

"Hey, Neeks --"

"I told you not to call me that," Nico's dark eyebrows scrunched in the middle. Jason raised his hands in apology.

"My bad dude, hey, I was wondering something though, if you're down?" Nico finally noticed the mischief etched in Jason's expression, and raised a furrowed brow. He nodded for Jason to continue, "Piper and I are getting some people together tonight, I'd love it if you came and hung out. It'll be fun!"

Nico wanted to say no. But the Californian blond's smile was too bright, too much like Will's that he relented. The son of Hades shrugged his shoulders and started to walk in the direction of Will, just finishing up the small, harmless wound on the campers arm. Percy was further away, walking not in the direction of the training ring -- but the Athena cabin. Jason smirked.


A/N: First rewritten chapter. Happy reading my loves, remember to comment :) <3

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