the reveal

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Will pov:

The group spilt into little groups when nico left the cabin, hushed tones and giggles echoing in the cool structure. When the door swung open, it seemed as though everyone gaped. honestly though, it may have just been Will.
There, in all of his dark and beautiful glory stood the son of hades, but the makeover had definitely worked.
His haired was trimmed and slicked back a bit, his face was scrubbed and his eyebrows plucked. On his body he wore a black suit lined in gold and a black collared shirt underneath, matched with black dress pants. (he somehow managed to keep his black high tops).
"oh my gods." the group erupted, running over and pulling him back to the circle, Nico looked insanely uncomfortable so Will stepped in -- partially because he hated seeing nico uncomfortable -- partly because DAMN he looked FINE AS HELL and he wanted only his attention on nico. was Will possessive? ding ding ding! (that's his fatal flaw btw in this story).

Nico pov:

When Nico walked in, he was swarmed with people, but, strangely the one person he wanted to spark a reaction out of... was just sitting there. Nico sagged his shoulders, disappointed and exhausted when he heard a:
"damn! give him a break will ya?" the group turned and started at will who was now standing, hands on his hips with a disappointed look on his face. the small group seceded and Will walked over, grabbing nicos hand and pulling him next to him and sitting down, trying to push down the blush that crept into Nicos cheeks.
"Nico it's your turn right?" Jason asked, arm around Piper to keep her bare back warm.

"Can someone else go?"
"i'll go!" Percy said, smiling.


the game continued like that for a while, though no one seemed to be choosing Nico or will. not that nico minded, if anything, he was grateful for their forgetfulness.



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