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As night crept into the valley and the younger campers went off to bed, those that could and were aware of Jason's invitation, slipped out and into the Cabin of Zeus. Walking up to the large, still, stone building, they each seemed hesitate until they noticed the lit brazier outside -- burning as the god of hospitality welcomed them. Once walking in, moreover, campers would notice the incredibly mortal cooler, (smuggled in by the Stolls no doubt), overflowing with booze.

"And ze drinks... Are served" Connor and Travis both said in a lousy french accent. "Hey! I was going to say that!" The brothers -- twins more like it -- cackled as a few chuckles echoed throughout the room. Finally the last two guests arrived, Reyna and Nico shuffling into the space as if they were nervous that its god would strike them where they stood. The son of said god got to his feet, sending a reassuring smile to the two new guests.

"Welcome everyone!" Jason said smiling, "Piper and I-" he gestured to the beautiful young woman, a soft smile kissed by alcohol lifting her lips into a lazy, sweet smile, "-decided that despite the hell we have gone through in the past, literally-" he then gestured to Percy, Annabeth, and Nico, who seemed to blend more into the shadows, "or... just figuratively." this earned soft laughter from everyone, even Nico who twitched a smile. "We thought you guys needed a well earned break, and some fun!" This earned cheers, the blond's grin widening as he clapped Percy on the shoulder, sending him and Annabeth a look. They nodded, and Jason met Nico's eyes. He nodded, and Nico nodded back.


"Now, does anyone have any fun games to play?" The group muttered back and forth after Jason's comment until piper spoke up,

"How about Kings?" this earned confused gazes save for the Stolls, who whooped at the same time and spring to their feet -- the glasses they each held in hand sloshing dangerously.

"We love that game!" Travis cheered,

"We ask the best questions." Connor seconded with a sharkish smile.

"Um.. Piper? Some of us don't know what that is..." Hazel asked, embarrassment flushing her face. Piper understood with a smile, clearing her voice to explain the rules.

"Well to start off.. Kings is a drinking game--"

Hazel, Nico, Will and Frank erupted in stammers, Will scratching the back of his neck, sending a nervous glance in the direction of his friend. Nico whipped his glare to Jason, who had failed to mention any such tomfoolery. Hazel fanned her face and Frank finally choked out, "What?!"

"Alcohol is bad for your liver--" Will started to himself, turning to the nearest person who was Annabeth,

"THIS GENERATION IS CORRUPT I TELL YOU CORRUPT!" Hazel shouted now, face still flushed as she shook Frank who just stood there with his mouth open waiting for Piper.

"Fuck shit fuck shit" Nico whispered under his breath, trying in vain to slip quietly into the shadows. Jason noticed just in time and grabbed his arm, pulling him gently back towards the group.

"Silence!" Piper settled over the room, her charmed tone quieting the nervous four, a ripple of silence settling over the group. "Anyways: Rules go that someone would say something like 'im wearing pink!' and the persons who are not wearing pink take a drink, whereas if you are, you don't. Pretty simple." She grinned and the spell snapped.

Frank spoke again, "Do you have anything non-alcoholic?" The group busted out laughing, many of the teenagers familiar and comfortable with the refreshments -- whether from past camp experiences or personal. The larger group dismissed his comment, but Frank frowned, 

"Wait seriously--"

"I don't think so frank" Hazel whispered back at him, a hand on his arm. They both gulped.

Percy walked over to the cooler and nodded to Frank, "We have some Ices, some beers... We can start on those -- they're not as hard,"

"Lame," Annabeth chided jokingly. The group stopped and turned to her, except Percy. The green eyed son of Poseidon just smirked. Walking back over after tossing less-intense drinks towards Frank, Hazel, Nico, and Will -- Percy tossed an arm around Annabeth's shoulder.

"Believe it or not Annabeth could out-drink Mr. D," Percy chuckled, resulting in a well earned whack from Annabeth directly into the gut. Her boyfriend 'oofed' and the group shook their heads at the couples' antics, the atmosphere warming.

"I second that!" Thalia finally arrived, walking through the doorway as people cheered "Little runt nearly drowned me the last time we got together," She shot her younger adopted-sister a smirk. Annabeth simply raised her glass in salute. The huntress stalked into the room, her strut as graceful as her Lady's sacred stags, "What are we playing?"

"Kings!" Piper smiled. Will scooted over, patting the seat beside him with a nervous smile at the huntress. One wicked grin and a firm handshake later, and Thalia stretched out beside him.

"Sick." she said, looking at a still red faced Annabeth.

"Wha- I- I did not!" Annabeth's face was still slightly flushed, but one could assume it was from the alcohol and no longer from the teasing comments, leaning back Percy, she looked to her boyfriend with a sly grin, "Just because I can down tequila better than the both of you doesn't give you the right to throw shade" her smirk turned wolfish before she kissed Percy's cheek, nudging Thalia.

Leo's chuckle rang out like music -- the hispanic boy finally tearing his eyes away from the oil cloth in his lap. It was whichever project her was currently tinkering with -- these days Leo's fingers were seemingly permanently stained black. 

"I didn't take you for a drinker" The brunet laughed, his eyes sparkling as he leaned forward, nodding to the daughter of Athena as his elbows rested on his knees, "I approve."

Piper and Jason got up, passing out bottles to the rest of the group before settling down. If anybody had noticed the appreciative glance that Thalia shot Reyna's way, or the blush creeping stealthily under the Praetor's brown skin, nothing was said.

Drinks finally dispersed, that lupine grin stretched again across Jason's scarred, handsome mouth.

"Shall we begin?"


A/N if you were wondering what the circle looked like:

(by the door) Percy → Annabeth → Piper → Jason → Nico → Rachel → Leo → Connor → Travis → Katie → Reyna → Thalia → Will (who finishes the circle next to Percy).

Second rewritten chapter. Remember to please vote and/or comment, I love you all :) <3

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