every kiss begins with.. fuck it?

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Seven minutes in Heaven... with Will Solace...
Jason's words rattled around Nicos skull. The son of Hades, however, despite the hoots and hollers by his peers, stood still. The body next to his shifted, and Nico vaguely noticed a boy with messy blonde hair ask something along the times of, "hey, you don't have to." before Jason popped Nicos bubble by hauling him over his shoulder.

"So nico, your choice. Seven Minutes in Heaven, or your whole outfit comes off," (nico recalls later that this demand was because of his previous choice to strip himself of his shirt. if he refused to complete this dare, the pants AND shirt were expected to be shed). Nicos heart raced, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get himself to look at Will, nor answer the question. Jason was normally respectful of Nicos boundaries, however, being hyped on shitty booze that Nico was pretty sure WASNT beer, Jason resembled a playful golden retriever.

"i'll take that as a SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!" Jason cheered, adjusting Nico on his shoulder and lumbering over to a small wooden door — the closet. Nico looked up slightly, his small fists having given up on their quest to bruise Jason's back, and noticed the Stoll twins dragging Will in Jason and Nico's direction.

Oh... oh fuck. Nico thought, This is actually happening.

Before Nico could protest, Jason swung him back into standing position, pushed him into the closet, and Will after Nico. The door was shut, the lights off, when Will heard Piper call out:

"7 minutes starting now boys! and please, try NOT to stain anything?" Muffled laughter seeped into the closet, however Nico still heard his heart beat thump in his chest. when Nico realised just how close William was to him, he pushed his chest softly, prompting Will to utter a quiet, "sorry."

Will and he looked at each other, and for a second, Nico panicked. Will definitely didn't feel the same way he did.. right?
Nico looked down and fiddled with his hands, God's, he thought, how long was 7 minutes!?

Meanwhile, Will was freaking out. how did this come true? ever since the Battle of Manhattan, Will had kept the worlds largest crush in the one and only Son of Hades, and no matter how hard he tried, Will couldn't seem to get Nico to realise that. Nico looked down and Wills heart melted.

Fuck it, Will thought; This was it. This was his moment.

Nico felt a warm hand touch his cheek, without thinking he leaned into the hand, but realising what he had just done, pushed further back into the clothing behind him. Nico snapped his eyes to Wills, and was shocked to see only warmth, echoed in the soft yellow glow of a burning lightbulb. Nicos gaze met his pointedly, and this time, Nico didn't shy away when a hand caressed his smooth skin. Nicos eyes darted down to Wills lips - soft, pink, and tilted slightly up in he corners.

Fuck it, Nico thought, grabbing the front of Wills camp half-blood shirt, and meeting one pair of lips to another...


a/n: sorry it's so short! hopefully i'll update soon!! (or at least in LESS THAN A FUCKING YEAR??!! *smh*

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