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"you know what guys that whole saving your asses by shadow traveling all the way across the world thing is really starting to catch up with me, i think ill call it a night, see ya!" nico said quickly while getting up.

"ha ha ha now sit back down di angelo" jason said picking the boy up and dropping him back in his spot, next to jason. 

"so!" piper flashed a smile. "whos first?"

"ME" connor and travis both said, shooting death looks at each other "I SAID IT FIRST"

"you know what? connor you first, then travis, then leo and so on, alright?" piper finished, ending the small conflict. 

"yesss alright::: drink if you have never kissed anyone" there was a pause till nico whispered

"fuck this" and took a sip, as well as frank.

"no way frank my man.." jason laughed while piper giggled at the same time. hazel smiled sympathetically and leaned against his chest.

"wait..." annabeth said looked at reyna "who have you kissed?" everyone looked at jason.

"hey dont look at me!" he shouted putting his arms up

"Then who? Reyna, tell the truth" piper said, using a bit of charm speak.

"No one you would know" she answered smiling because that was the truth.

"Give us his name!" she charm spoke again, using more.

"Elane." After realizing what reyna said her face turned red and she looked down. pure shock was painted over everyones faces except Piper who just looked at her, smiling.

"Reyna, thank you for telling us.. er.. more or less" this earned a chuckle from reyna and the people averted their stares, except nico, who looked at her with eyes like saucers. He soon recovered and continued on.

"My turn!" travis exclaimed "Drink if you have ever been caught.. 'doing the deed'" He cackled while annabeth and percy looked at each other with red faces, hesitantly they brought their beers to their lips. "NOO WAY" Travis howled, as hazel fanned herself.

"By who?" jason smiled leaniing over piper and hitting his arm.

"Mmmy - my mom..." Annabeth turned a darker red and percy covered his face with his hands.

"OH MY GODS AHAHAHA" jason, piper, leo and thalia all screamed.

"ok um can we go onto the next game?" annabeth pleaded as percy nodded, along with reyna. 

"Aw come onnnn" travis and connor plus leo wailed.

"lets just finish this round and then we can play another game ok?" jason bargained to the two groups. they agreed as leo took his turn. 

he smiled devilishly as he cleared his throat "drink if you have had a sexual dream about someone in this room..." everyone drank except frank, hazel, and leo. "haha y'all are some nasty little shits" he cackled as the game continued.

"alright.." reyna said "drink if you have never used a roman bath house." Annabeth, travis, connor, rachel, will, piper and thalia all drank.

"drink if..." thalia thought for a moment beofre choosing her King. "drink if you have swam naked before" percy and annabeth sighed and drank, earning whoops from the Stolls and leo. It was then Reyna drank and looked down. people turned again with shock to her that soon turned to confusion, and interest.  

"It was with Elane just so you guys dont make me say anything i will regret." she said quickly as the game continued.

Will cleared his throat and thought before "Drink if you have never seen a scary movie" hazel and frank both drank. It was then jason got an evil grin on his face.

"Drink if you have ever had a crush on someone the same gender as you" nico and will both paled. surprisingly rachel, thalia, reyna, and will and nico all took drinks. 

"Damnnnnn nice one Grace" percy laughed as piper thought.

"Drink if you are a virgin" piper said innocently. There was 5 seconds of no movement before Hazel took a small sip, followed by frank, Nico, Rachel, and connor. the group eyed travis suspiciously.

"hey i aint no snitch" travis said confidently, his smile wavering as piper grinned.

"why dont you tell us who, travis?" she smiled sweetly as he covered his mouth in vain before ripping it away and whispering something the group couldn't comprehend. "what was that?" piper said again.

"Katie! alright? Katie Gardener." His face turned red as connor and leo clapped him on the back, the camp halfblood campers plus jason 'awe'ing. 

"wait a second.. William Solace!" will winced, hoping to avoid their looks. "who?" the group looked at him expectingly.

"it was.. um.. back at home, when i was 14." his face was red as jason whispered to piper. she then spoke to will and said

"what was their name?" will looked like he was trying to keep his mouth shut till he saw nico looking up at him from across the circle.

"It was a boy.." he saw a smile twitch at the corner of nicos mouth, his eyes looking... hopeful? "his name was Ren" he breathed out and ran a hand through his hair. 

"okok back to the game" percy said as will shot him a grateful look. "drink if you hate mr.d" lets just say everyone drank. 

"my turn!" annabeth chided. "drink if you are a guy and have watched porn" she laughed as every guy except nico, will and frank drank.  

"alright Neeks your turn" jason laughed

"oh.. um right uh..." he thought for a moment before smiling "drink if you have had sex anywhere other then a bed" he smiled evilly as he forced Percy, annabeth, Jason, Piper,  and Reyna to drink.

"Reyna-" piper started before reyna cut her off sighing

"Elane, beach." the boys wolf whistled except frank and percy, who just looked at annabeth and said

"same" the group laughed as he nursed his new annabeth-punched arm.

"last person! rachel reminded before she continued "drink if you like bands" no one was surprised when nico took a long, last swig of his beer; but they were a bit shocked when will raised his beer and took a sip. 

"YES THEN GAME IS OVER" annabeth yelled before piper spoke with an evil grin.

"now.." she paused for effect... "truth or dare"

A/N WOOHOO shit is about to go down. thank for reading and please remember to comment. 

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