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Wifey 😍
I didn't say anything to you on IG
because I'm a 39 year old woman
with a husband and kids, but I have
no problem saying something to you
through text message. What the fuck
is wrong with you?

Hubby 😍
You! You're what's wrong with me!

Wifey 😍
What the hell did I do?

Hubby 😍
Nothing. I just can't fucking stand the
thought of not being able to see you.

Wifey 😍
So, you take your anger of not being able
to see me to Instagram where everyone
can see it??

Hubby 😍
It's not just that. I also can't stand the
thought of knowing that my one chance
to see you was fucking compromised by
some damn photoshoots.You're Reyna
fucking Foster, the most beautiful woman
in the world. You really think that if you
cancel a few photoshoots there won't be
more? You really think that some damn
photoshoots are more important than
seeing me? Your husband? The one you
haven't seen at all in almost three months?
If that's the case, then I'm glad to know I
mean so damn much to you

Wifey 😍

Hubby 😍
Yes really! If I were in your position
I'd cancel those photoshoots in a split
second if it meant I could see you, but
I guess that's just me. I guess I just care
more for you than you do for me...

Wifey 😍
Okay first of all, fuck you
Second of all, there are no damn
photoshoots. I lied to you because I
didn't want you to know that I was
planning on surprising you at this stupid
fucking party.

Hubby 😍
What...you're coming??

Wifey 😍
I was.

Hubby 😍

Wifey 😍
Meaning not anymore.

Hubby 😍

Wifey 😍
Are you really asking me that? Scroll
the hell up! You just gave me an entire
lecture about these fucking nonexistent
photoshoots and then you had the damn
nerve to question how I felt about you. Do
you understand how much that hurt me?

Hubby 😍
I'm so sorry...I just miss you.

Wifey 😍
That seems to be your excuse for
everything you do and say wrong as
of lately

Hubby 😍
Rey, please

Wifey 😍
Tell Joe and Anthony I said thanks for the
invite, and tell Scarlett I'm sorry I can't
make it anymore. I hope you enjoy your
night. I'll be sure to send you pictures
from home of Mar and Theo in their
Halloween costumes.

Hubby 😍
Reyna, please...don't do this. Just come
to Ontario next month. I know you wanna
see me as much as I wanna see you

Wifey 😍
Yeah, you didn't seem so sure about
that earlier

Hubby 😍
I can't take not being with you anymore

Wifey 😍
You don't think I feel the same? If you had
just accepted the fact that your wife was
"busy" like a mature 41 year old should, we
wouldn't be having this argument right now.
Next time you might wanna think before
you speak, Sebastian

Hubby 😍
I'm sorry...

Wifey 😍
You can tell me in person after filming
wraps up. Goodbye, Sebastian

Hubby 😍
No, please don't do this

Reyna Lynn...

Answer me dammit.

I need to see you, please

God dammit Reyna

I love you so much...

All I want is to be with my family
again, to be with you again, Reyna

I'll see you soon..

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