I am a girl who is getting an arranged marriage to an ugly vampire! I have such bad luck. Chapter 4

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I am a girl who is getting an arranged marriage to an ugly vampire! I have such bad luck. Chapter 4

Poppy's pov

I looked at my phone and started dialing a number I hadn't dialed for years. It's amazing I remembered. You would think after getting your heart broken by someone and crying yourself to sleep for weeks you would forget a stupid thing like a phone number, but the thing is you don't. It makes it easier. You can remember their voice and how they used to treat you. That's what made it so hard to let go and forget about him. It was the hardest time of my life, to move on after he left us. I now wished I could put it behind me.

I put the phone up to my ear. Someone picked up.

"What gives you the right to phone me, you left me...?"

"Can I ask who is calling please?" My heart sunk, it was women's voice. It was her, the one he left for.

"Hello is anyone there. This is Clarissa speaking. Hello."

I listened to her voice. She was well above his league. Her voice was very high pitched and she sounded so posh.

"Emm hi" I sniffed

"Who is this?" she questioned

"I'm Poppy do you know who I am?" I asked her. I prayed to god she didn't.

"No it can't be. Right you little bitch; you get off this phone and don't try to phone or contact him again. Leave him alone."

"Excuse me I'm his daughter so who the hell are you?" I already knew the answer to this.

"I'm his wife"

"F-ck you" I screamed. I threw the phone at the wall and I watched as it snapped into tiny, little pieces. I burst into tears and pulled the covers over my head and I was engulfed in darkness.

"Poppy, Poppy, Poppy" I heard someone shouting. It was a guy's voice but I couldn't put a name to it. I jumped up in my bed to find there was no-one there. I must have been dreaming but the thing is, it felt too real. Like I was actually there.

I stumbled out of bed and switched my lam on. I looked over at my broken phone, then went to pick the pieces up. I could say one thing for sure, he wouldn't be calling back. I got back up and picked up a pair of red skinnies and a black David and goliath top and took them to the bathroom.

I striped down , had a wash and changed into my fresh clothes. I glanced at my watch, it read 07:05. I walked down the stairs and made myself coco pops and took an irn bru out the fridge. Yes, irn bru for breakfast. I sat down and turned on the TV. The 'big bang theory' was on , so I sat down and enjoyed the episode. I was in the middle of laughing at the joke on TV when I realized that some time had passed. I looked at my watch for the second time and it was 08:30.

How was that possible I get up early enough and I would still be late today. I would be humiliated again. I got up, grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I got to school at 9:05. I was late. I went to my locker and got my books out of it then headed to English.

I walked in the door and everyone was staring at me. As I walked past, head down, I heard people whispering. Some said

"Look what she's wearing",

"She's such a freak" and

"I hear she's an alcoholic too".

I wanted to scream so badly. You would think it wouldn't hurt when you heard the comments everyday but everyone still hurt as much as the last. I sat down in my seat at the back of the class. I wasn't until then I noticed somebody was occupying the seat beside mine. I looked up and saw a boy. He had brown hair, brown eyes and his eyebrow was pierced. I maybe could get along with this guy , I thought.

I sat down and murmured a hi to him when he said "Are you Poppy"

His voice ran though me and gave me goose bump running up my arms.

"Yes, what is it." I answered

"I need to talk to you its urgent!" he whispered. Then I realized his hand was right beside mine. He took my hand and left a piece of paper in it.

I looked at him and he just nodded.

Ok guys really need comments and your advice

Does anybody know who the new guy is?

Thanks for reading .

Rawr xxx

I am a girl who is getting an arranged mariage to an ugly vampire!I have such bad luck.Where stories live. Discover now