I am a girl who is getting an arranged marriage to an ugly vampire! I have such bad luck. Chapter 8

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I am a girl who is getting an arranged marriage to an ugly vampire! I have such bad luck. Chapter 8

Charlie's Pov-

I pulled up at the school got out of the car and looked at the place before me. It looked more like a prison than a school. But I guess I would just have to put up with it for as long as it takes to convince her.

She wouldn't remember me, she never did. That was the thing that hurt the most. The thing is every time I saw her I would fall in love with her again but she would always choose him. Even when I thought she loved me back. I would always say this time will be the last but when I didn't work out I would say, I will try once more. I find it hard to give her up. I thought she was special just as much as the first time I saw her. I could remember that day as if it was yesterday...

She wore a long black dress which had cuts and rips in it , as she came through the door with the guards. She screamed and tried to get away from them. She keep saying

" He just killed him, so strong, so strong..."

Over and over again. But from this moment on I loved her but she only once ever loved me.

I walked into the school. I have been to school quite a lot so I wouldn't really have to pay attention. That was the only good point. After I had went to the reception to get my timetable, I couldn't stop thinking about her , I couldn't wait to see her again. I had waited 15 years.

I started walking to my first class, which was English, and I started looking around at the people I must socialise with, I didn't like the thought. The bell rang for the second time, which I guess meant we had to go into the classroom.

The teacher welcomed me and signalled to which seat I was to sit in. The class stared sniggering and smirking at me and someone actually shouted "well he is unlucky" and everyone laughed at this comment. I didn't really understand what was so funny until I sat down.

I sat beside a girl named Jen and an empty seat. She told me that the 'freak' sat on the other side of me and just laughed. I guess she wasn't in this class, hopefully I would see her at some point today so I could give her my message, the only thing the could remind her that she knew and loved me. The only thing that would stop her from marrying him. The only thing that could save her.

I was Drawing random stars and swirls on my new, untouched, English jotter, when the door of the class room opened. She walked in with her head down and looked as if she was trying not to be noticed. But why? She must sit beside the guy ( I think his name was Toby) at the back of the classroom cause that was the only other empty seat. I guess she would be liked she always was the centre of attention. Everybody always loved her.

She was wearing red skinnies and a black top with converse on. For once she did not look like 'Poppy'. She looked up ay everyone in the class. They threw comments at her like...

"She's such a freak" and


look what she's wearing"

... I could feel her pain. Well I know that's not possible but you get what I mean. She looked hurt. I wasn't used to seeing her like this . She used to be so happy but when I looked at her now she was like a completely different person.

She walked up to the back of the class room, straight towards the empty seat and sadly I was glad at this even though she was the 'freak'. She didn't even look at me, not once. She pulled the chair out and sat down. It was then I noticed her looking at me . Her green eyes were gorgeous that was one thing that never changed. I was actually feeling proud that I had a piercing just like her.

"Hi" she said, I had missed her voice. I had missed the way she looked . I had missed her. I knew it was her, so I was as surprised as her when I said

"Are you Poppy?" . I guess I just couldn't stop myself. Why couldn't I have just said hi back. No not me, now she knows that I know her I should just tell her everything and not waste my time.

"Yes, what is it" she sounded so surprised and worried but I saw her smile slightly.

"I need to talk to you"

"its urgent" I added.

She just looked at me. I slowly put my hand in my pocket and gave her the bit of paper. The moment my hand touched hers it made me realise how much I had missed her. How much I needed her.

She just looked at me strangely and looked away again.

Class was interesting , for once I listened to the teacher but occasionally I would look down to see her looking back. Maybe she remembered. Maybe not. The teacher just asked Poppy a question and I knew she didn't know the answer. This would be a good chance to talk to her again.

"So have you got an answer or will I have to send you to the head again" The teacher said, I could hear the hatred in her voice. I guess Poppy isn't very good in school. She was so different. Maybe this time things would work out.

"Emm.. Yes its..." She didn't know the answer so I said to her...

"It shows the emotions of the character"

She looked up at me and stared into my eyes as if she was trying to figure out something. Did she not believe me ? Or was this her way of saying thanks? She then looked back to the teacher and said

"Emm... Yes its that it shows the emotions of the characters"

The teacher then said sarcastically..

"Wow am I hearing you right. You actually got it right. Well done"

She treated Poppy just like one of her classmates. It must hurt.

She turned to me and said "Thanks" and I said "no problem" in return.

Then Jen turned to me and said I was not to talk to Poppy cause she is a freak. I so wanted to punch her. It made me so angry. She had no right to judge her. The bell then rang and I dragged her out of her seat. I said "lets go" and she replied with..

"Excuse me? Dude that's my bag give me it " I nearly burst out laughing at her comment. She never really seemed to be the type to say 'Dude'.

I gave her the bag and took her out the classroom grabbing the bit of paper that flew out her hand on the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2010 ⏰

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I am a girl who is getting an arranged mariage to an ugly vampire!I have such bad luck.Where stories live. Discover now