I am a girl who is getting an arranged marriage to an ugly vampire! I have such bad luck. Chapter 7.

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I am a girl who is getting an arranged marriage to an ugly vampire! I have such bad luck. Chapter 7.

I stared at him more angry , than confused. Was this just a big wind up, just like everything else?

As I stared at him, he stared right back his brown eyes felt like they were piercing my skin, I wonder if he had this affect on everyone. Probably just me . I pulled my eyes away from his and looked down the corridor. Why was it so quite? It was just us standing outside French. We must have got out class fast.

"Ok can you please say something Poppy, cause I'm getting a bit worried over here"

I turned round to see he was still staring at me .I liked they way he said my name. I liked.... And now I was telling myself to shut up. I was getting married, I hadn't told anyone, and somehow he knew. I was probably still grinning, but I didn't care. That was going to change, I had to find out answers.

"Your worried! How the hell do you think I feel. You randomly come to the school, talk to me and give me some piece of paper which is literally burning my hand."

I stopped to take a breath, a quick one but I was running out of things to say and I had to think fast.

"And if that wasn't' enough , You know about me getting married, about Serria and if you know they things what else do you know?"

I wasn't really expecting an answer but he obviously was going to give me one.

"Well I also know your mum's an alcoholic and she blames you. It isn't your fault Poppy. Just remember that. For me."

"Why the fuck would I do anything for you!" I screamed at him and shoved pass him into the classroom.

He went to grab my shoulder but he got interrupted. I turned to see him talking to Toby . Toby was the most, well what do you call it, oh yeah, he was a dick. He basically used his popularity to get girls, use them and dump them. To make it worse the girls didn't mind they would just boost about how they were with Toby.

I used to love the guy and I thought he felt the same way. But obviously not.

"Yeah get in there dude, she is so easy to use. She would believe anything"

Toby said with a smirk on his face. He held up his hand for a high five. For a moment Charlie stared at his hand and then slowly lifted his hand to high five him back.

"I will remember that" the said, quiet enough for only Toby and Me to hear.

I would be gratefully 'forever' to Charlie for the thing he done next....

He high fived Toby with a grin on his face and then the grin disappeared.

I am a girl who is getting an arranged mariage to an ugly vampire!I have such bad luck.Where stories live. Discover now