Chapter 3

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"like what?" I asked. What are we supposed to do in a freacking small place for 40 minutes while everybody else is studying? Lemme guess, there is absolutely nothing we can do besides staring at each other and I'm not willing to do that anytime soon. I mentally rolled my eyes

"since we can't do much, how about truth or dare? Maybe 20 questions?" his head was turning to me waiting for a reply but all I can think about is seriously? He can't be that sily. He looks like the kind of peole whose somehow hard looking or more like not comfortable to be with because you'd be afraid you'd seem lame therefore you wont be able to impress him but you deseperatly want to. That's why it shocked when he said truth or dare.

"are you shitting me" was the first thing to leave my mouth

"unless you want to spend the upcoming hour sitting on the floor and staring at the ceiling, then yes I am" he has a point there. Oh Seems like he's done this many times before. which game shall I choose. 20 questions can get into many personal details which would be awkward since we just got to litterally know each other so I refuse to display my private life for some stranger. meanwhile you never know what the dares can be but I can allways choose truth.

"truth or dare. you can start" I said coldly

"I may not be quite the gentleman but I know it's allways the ladies first" he chuckled. Nice shot there. Not really. Then he gestured with his hands "go ahead. Ask me"

"truth or dare?" I said while he moved and said criss-cross in front of me so I sat the same way because holding you legs in front of you and putting you elbows on your knees isn't acctually the way I remember people sit to play this game.

"let's say truth since there's not actually something we can do in here" he looked around verifying then he stopped on something and reached for a big scissor. "oh and if one of us refuses to answer or do the dare meant to be for him well then...he gets his hair cut" he wiggled his eyebrows smirking more likely challenging. and I was allways the one to be ready for any kind of challenge offered.

"ok .you're on" this just got more interesting. I sat up more straight and wiggled my ass to get a comfortable position "truth" I kept thinking. What could I ask this guy that I basically don't know. " uh I don't know, what's your full name?" lame I know but I really had no clue what to ask him. What dary question could I ask ? For all I know it could be offensive so I avoided taking any risks.

He was playing with the scissors in his big hands and when he hurd my question he stopped raising his brows "are you for real? That's your question?"

My shoulders dropped and let out a breath "just answer. I didn't have anything else in mind"

" It's Jayden sean frederick Hoffmann"

"that's one hell of a name." I shook my head holding in a laugh. It's nothing weird but still. Long names allways made me laugh

"yeah well my parents weren't the best at making decisions. Anymays, my turn. truth or dare?" he leaned back holding himself up with his hands which were behind his back and kept looking at me waiting for a reply but all I could think of is how he looked like a model posing for a photoshoot in that position. Why am I thinking of this ?


"what's your favourite colour?" and before I can talk to blame him for accusing me for my 'lame' question while his is equally as lame, he said " because all I saw you wear even since I know you is dark colours but mostly black but" he raised his hands as if in surrender "not complaining though"

I don't know what's worse, the fact that he has been aknowledging me all along and noticed my clothing style which is basically stalking or that he was much of an asshole to say out loud. i do realise I don't actually care about my clothes and leave the house like I was homeless but doesn't mean I wear my pyjamas to college. What he said was fucking offensive even for a careless person like me.

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