Hidden Love-Larry Stylinson

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Louis and Harry are just best friends, but they find themselves falling for each other in a matter of minutes.
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Louis chuckled and glanced over at Harry. The large smile that lit up Harry's face, revealing those dimples that Louis loved so much, made him grin so big that he honestly thought that his jaw would break. Now you may be wondering why Louis was speaking like this about his best friend. Well, you see, there's just something about Harry. Something that makes Louis' heart beat faster. Something that gives him butterflies in his stomach. Something that brings a smile to his face instantly. Harry was just so...perfect? No. Perfect wasn't the word. He was beyond perfect.

"Lou! Louis!" Harry said loudly, waving a hand in front of Louis' face, trying desperately to gain Louis' attention. Trying desperately to get Louis back to the real world.

"Uhh..yeah Haz?" Louis asked, even though he knew that he had spaced out. Staring straight at Harry. Louis blushed and looked away from Harry. How long had he been staring at the younger boy?

Harry chuckled loudly and a smirk took over his lips. "Lou, you spaced out again." Harry leaned over, but only in the slightest, and put his index finger under Louis' chin to lift his face up so he could look into the ocean blue eyes of the boy he had fallen in love with.

Louis sighed deeply and looked into the Harry's eyes. God, how Louis loved Harry's eyes. They were the prettiest green. But maybe they weren't just green. Because when Harry was sad, they'd turn a grayish colour. You could still tell that they were green, but the gray seemed to show more. And when Harry was overly happy, they'd turn a gorgeous bright green. A green so bright that they almost looked lime green. Or almost blue even. Like the Caribbean sea. But Louis knew that Harry's eyes were really an emerald green that was too beautiful to describe. The colour of Harry's eyes made you get lost in them almost instantly. Almost. Almost because it was scary to look into Harry's eyes. Because you want to look away. You need to look away. But you can't. His eyes are too alluring. And when you look into Harry's eyes, you could see every emotion he's feeling at the time. And right now, as Louis stared into Harry's glorious eyes, he could see happiness, amusement, a small hint of sadness. Maybe even adoration and love. But why would there be adoration and love? Louis thought. Harry only thinks of him as a friend.

And sadness. Why was there sadness? Louis knew Harry was a generally happy person. He had his moments though. The moments where he gets too depressed to do anything. But Louis was always able to cheer him up. Well, for a short amount of time that is. But, Louis never knew that of course. Louis didn't know that when he was near Harry, it killed him more every day. Why? Because Harry was in love with Louis. So in love with him that even the slightest touch, made Harry weak in the knees. It made his heart break.

Louis gave Harry a half smile and stood up from the couch he had been sitting on. He looked around and noticed that everyone had gone. Had the interview ended? Where's Liam, Niall, and Zayn? Louis wondered.

Harry gave Louis a loving a smile and stood up himself and wrapped an arm around Louis' shoulders."Interview ended about five minutes ago. The boys left already." Harry told him softly as they walked out the door and to Harry's Range Rover. Harry had gotten a new car, but he loved his Range Rover and he would drive it occasionally.

Louis nodded and was about to open the car door to the passenger side, but Harry, being the gentlemen he was, opened the door. Louis blushed and got in quickly so Harry wouldn't notice. He watched carefully as Harry took his time walking to the driver's side. Okay that may have sounded a little creepy, but Louis couldn't help it. Harry was just so good to look at. Harry was..how should he put this. Sexy. Just sexy. But Louis would never tell Harry that. Not meaningfully. Only if it was just banter. Just jokes they would do for the fans. Nothing more.

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