New Hope-Klaine

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Kurt sits quietly by himself in the corner of the room. Various people dance and mingle around him, all happy and full of holiday cheer and mirth.

He can't help feeling out of place. It's been two months since James had ended things with him, but he can still feel the bruising it had inflicted upon his heart.

James had been everything to him. They'd met just weeks after Kurt arrived and had been together for two years. It had been Kurt's first relationship and he had thought it was the be all-end all for him, even though his friends had tried to caution that way of thinking.

Things had seemed so perfect, perhaps a bit too perfect, Kurt could admit now looking back on it.

After all, James had been sleeping with someone else throughout most of their relationship.

It still hurts though, and it sucks knowing that he's having to stay at a friend's New Year's Eve party, a party he and James had RSVPed to just days before they'd ended, because said friend had been there in Kurt's corner through it all.


He'd called James out for his treatment of Kurt despite having known him longer than he'd known Kurt. He'd chosen Kurt over James, and no one had ever chosen Kurt before.

It had felt nice then, feels nice now, but Kurt still can't stop feeling like he would rather be elsewhere, especially with midnight only minutes away.

When there would definitely be no New Year's kiss.

He sets his cup down and moves through the room of happy cheerful people heading towards the sliding glass door which lead to the balcony.

Kurt closes the door and is immediately greeted with the quiet of the evening with the muffled noise of the party behind him. The view from the balcony is breathtaking as usual. Blaine certainly knows how to pick apartments.

Kurt sighs and leans back against the wall. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath.

"What am I even doing here?" He asks himself softly.

He hears the sliding door open and close gently with the presence of another making itself known to him.

"Kurt? Are you okay?"

Blaine. Of course it's Blaine.

Kurt opens his eyes, holding in the tears that want to fall, and he turns his head towards his friend.

"I'm fine, Blaine. I just needed some fresh air."

The look of concern doesn't fade from Blaine's face as he observes Kurt.

"Care if I join you then?" He asks after a moment.

"Blaine I'm fine, really. I don't want to take you away from your other friends or your party."

Blaine waves off his concerns and comes to stand next to Kurt, letting his gaze drift in the direction Kurt had been focused on.

"I doubt they'll even notice I'm there, most of them have had a bit too much 'holiday cheer.' I'm sure they'll be fine, plus what kind of host would I be if I allow one of my guests to enter the New Year all alone out in the cold."

Kurt smiles at that and shakes his head, glancing back at Blaine who he finds is already staring back at him.

It feels strange, this "thing" between them, that feels very recent but still familiar all at once. He had only started noticing it weeks earlier, but Kurt knows it's something that's always been there.

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