titanic AU-Stucky

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Chapter Text

April 10th of 1912. Arriving perfectly early, exiting the coach, Steve watched over his mother as she sternly directed the porter stacking their luggage on a cart to be taken to their rooms. Adjusting his highly uncomfortable suit he glanced up to the sun beaming down in a way that allowed no enjoyment. For the First Class passengers that dressed in many layers, it was obvious to anyone that the men stood closer to their wives whom fanned away at their flushed faces.

Turning then, Steve gazed up to the large ship he would be boarding. The R.M.S. Titanic, set to sail the Atlantic, planned to arrive in New York April 17th, a week's time in hopes to set a record of some kind. The ship was deemed unsinkable, its enormous size and speed alone topped the charts. The beauty of it was, of course glorious. Though, to Steve it was a slave ship, taking him back to America in chains. He was everything a well brought up man was supposed to be. But inside...he was screaming.

"I don't understand...It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania..." Steve added, as his to-be fiancé gawked in 'aww' of the ship to her parents.

"You can be captious to some things boy! But not to Titanic. It's over 100 feet longer than the Mauretania and far more luxurious!" Mr Abbott exclaimed, his wife patted his shoulder to calm him. "Ruth, your son does not mix with machinery."

Gripped then, firmly by his arm, Steve's mother grit her teeth whilst speaking to his ear, "Steve. Darling, use this trip to your advantage, win her heart?"

His gaze shifted to Sarah and then her father Mr. Abbott. "Her heart, or her father's? After all mother, it is their money you—"

She yanked him strictly, unable to properly scorn him. Steve rolled his eyes and gave a huff. She then swooshed her way over to the Abbott family, her large green hat shading her of the sun as Mr. Abbott fought the light to see her. "If you would be so kind as to lead the way with your wife, the porters have already taken our luggage."


Sarah smiled shyly to Steve in the way she often did, leaving out many words that her gentle eyes spoke. In that way, the two did get along, they let their parents do all the speaking, make all the decisions. Taking his arm, the two then followed after their parents, boarding the enormous ship set to sail in less than fifteen minutes.

***** ******* ******** ******** ******** *********** ************ **************

At a bar just across the street from the dock. Four men sitting at a table, just to the end of their third poker game. All was on the table. Two boys poorer than their parents, and two men poor but in their possession they had two tickets to board the R.M.S. Titanic. Those same tickets now on a betting table.

The two German men argued to themselves in their own speak of tongue. The one having bet the tickets to win the last hand.

Peter leaned towards his friend, his own cards drawing sweat from his temple as he looked to the rest of their money on the table, "Bucky, you bet everything we have."

Bucky pulled the cigarette from his lips, responding back with ease, "When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose."

Returning his cigarette to his mouth, Bucky dealt out the last set. Observing the nervous faces on the men, even Peter beside him. "Alright, moment of truth. Somebody's life's about to change...Peter?" Bucky nodded to his hand of cards.

Glaring back to Bucky, he slapped his cards down face up. "Niente."

"Olaf?" And again. "Nothing."

"Sven?" Oh shit, "Two pair..."

Gripping his own cards, Bucky shook his head, looking to Peter waiting on his friend's hand. "I'm sorry, Peter."

"You bet all our money for nothing!—

"I'm sorry Peter! You're not gonna see your mother for a very long time." Bucky hesitated, a grin forming on his mouth as he slammed his cards down face up on the table, "Cause we're going to America! Full house, boys! Woohoo!" He cheered loudly, scooping up the ticket papers as Peter yelled with excitement, scooping the money into one of their bags.

Standing up to help Peter scoop up the money, Sven and Olaf reeked of defeat and Olaf stood speaking in rough German as he took Bucky by the collar. Squeezing his eyes shut as he readied himself for the punch, he stumbled back when the German's fist pounded into Sven's face instead. Giving an abrupt burst of laugher, Bucky and Peter hugged and danced, gripping the tickets with joy. "I'm going home!" Kissing the tickets, the English boy cheered, "I'm finally going to America!"

Calling over the two friends excitement, the bartender tossed his hand towel over his shoulder, pointing to the clock above the bar, "No, mate! Titanic leave's for America in five minutes!" Chuckling, the man had humored himself.

"Shit." Bucky cursed under his breath. Quickly gathering their things, scooping the rest of the coins off the table into their pockets, along with half the deck of cards.

Racing down the busy street, their duffel bags over their shoulders. Pushing passed the people waiting for the boat to leave, Bucky yelled over the crowd, "We're riding in high style now! We're a couple of regular swells! We're practically God damn royalty!"

Passing the waving people, they nearly tripped into a stagecoach, the horses stepping sideways against the boys movements until they had decided their direction again. Peter on Bucky's heels as they were heading up the sidewalk from the boats line up. "I can't believe I'm going to America, Bucky!"

"Come on! I thought you were fast!" Bucky laughed breathlessly, as he ran ahead of the English boy nearly two years younger than him.

"You're crazy!"

"Maybe, but I've got tickets!" He grinned, ducking under people as they raced to the boarding ramp, "Hey! Wait! We're passengers!"

Right behind him, Peter pulled the papers from his pocket, handing them to Bucky to hand over to the ticket taker.

"Have you been through the inspections?"

"Of course." Bucky replied, doing his best to pull a straight face. "Anyways, we don't have any lice, we're Americans, both of us." He gestured to Peter, swallowing hard.

"Right. Come aboard." The man motioned for them to enter.

Jumping past the threshold, Bucky turned as soon as Peter came stumbling in behind him. Running again, the boys pushed past the other passengers assembling themselves and their things. Doing their best to find their cabin on the ship. With Third Class tickets in their possession, the boys racing down the hall and up a flight of stairs.

"We're the luckiest sons-of-bitches, you know that?!" Bucky exclaimed, smiling wider than his mouth could allow as Peter pushed him away, smiling as well while trying to make his way through the people on deck.

Finding a space just to the front of the ship, they dropped their duffels against the railing, and looked down to the men loosening the ropes and the cheering people, waving to the ship about to leave for its voyage.

Starting to wave with the others, Bucky yelled, "Goodbye! Goodbye!"

"Do you know somebody?" Peter waved some, looking up to his friend.

Highly spirited, Bucky laughed, "No! But, thats not the point!" Waving again, "Goodbye! I'll miss you!"

Laughing as well, Peter caught on, "Goodbye! I will never forget you!"

The sight was beyond beautiful. The smiles, the laughs, the scene of the enormous ship was passed anyones experience even aboard. The R.M.S. Titanic was the ship of dreams and it was, it really was.

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