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In the light of the fire, passion and love burns
Chapter Text

"Hey, Draco?" Harry calls from the kitchen.

"Yes?" Draco strides into the room to see chocolate, gram crackers, hot dogs, and buns laid out on the counter. He can guess where this is going. "Do you want to have a fire?" He comes closer to look into those emerald eyes. They shine with love.

"Can we? All we are missing is some marshmallows. Could you run to the store while I start a fire? I promise I won't burn the house down." Harry is very close to begging. Snuggling in front of a fire is one of his favorite activities to do with a loved one. Though, he has never done it before with Draco. Harry, for some reason, feels like this is a big step for them. They have been together since high school and the now 24 year old has the impression that this will bring them closer to marriage.

"Ok. I'll run and get some while you start the fire. Make sure the wood is dry." Draco kisses Harry's cheek and moves to pull on his shoes.

"I know. I was a boy scout, too, yah know." Draco rolls his eyes and walks out the door. Harry gets the fire starter, lighter, and all food. He walks out and drops the stuff next to the pit. He gathers and abundance of sticks to use. Taking small, dry pieces of wood from their stack, he starts to build the fire.

He lights the fire starter, it setting fire to the twigs. The logs on top don't catch before the starter burns up. He sighs and heads to get some paper towels to try that. I doesn't work. He tries and tries, messing with the shape and poking it with a stick. He gets increasingly frustrated as he knows Draco will be back soon and will tease him.

He can see his car pull to the front. Harry sighs and looks at his pathetic fire. Draco comes sauntering out, marshmallows in hand. The brunette expects him to laugh at the pathetic attempt.

"Get some more branches and let's get a real fire going." Harry is surprised when he doesn't. He does as told, gathering two big handfuls of twigs. He sits back as he lets Draco try. "Can you get another fire starter?" Harry nods. Scampering quickly as the fire dies out, he grabs another from the counter.

He hands it to his boyfriend. The set it up better this time and set it alight. It catches. Well, it's still pathetic, but it is better than before.

They skewer a hot dog and roast them. They sit in comfortable silence, just enjoying sitting close without touching. They eat, still just being happy next to each other.

"Want a s'more? The chocolate is really thick." Harry gets up and sits on the cover to the pit where all the ingredients are.

"One. And be sure not to catch yours on fire. You know what happened last time." Harry reaches up to where the s'more singed his hair.

"I know. Take your stick and shut up." Harry sticks his tongue out, his face nicely illuminated by the fire. Draco takes it silently and they roast them together.

"Damn!" Harry blows out the marshmallow that caught on fire. Draco doubles over from laughing so hard and long. "We both knew that was going to happen," is all that the culprit of the burnt marshmallow says.

"You are so lucky I love you and burnt marshmallows. I'll switch with you." Harry grins childishly and makes the blond and s'more. When he hands it over, he swipes some of the gooey marshmallow that has dripped down the side. He smears it onto Draco's lips. Before the victim can protest, there is a pair of lips sucking, licking, and nibbling the white stuff off.

Draco pulls away, much to Harry's disappointment. The blond smirks as he takes a bite of the marshmallow. Harry pouts, but continues to roast the marshmallow that Draco was originally doing. The joke as the each eat two marshmallows each.

"Those were good, but the chocolate was too thick. I barely could break it. My teeth hurt," Harry complains. He runs his tongue over his top teeth to make sure he still has them all intact.

"I know. I'm going to get milk. Want some?" Draco asks. He wants something to wash down the thick chocolate taste.

"Sure. Thanks, love," Harry calls out to Draco, who had already started to walk in. He follows his movements through the kitchen window. Oh, He could rasp on the window and scare him.

Harry quickly runs to the window, keeping low so his boyfriend doesn't see. He bangs on the window and ducks down. He doesn't hear any shriek or the sound of something dropping. He ducks u to meet the disappointed face of Draco. Harry is the one that screams.

Draco suspected something like this. He strides out to catch the thief. When Harry notices him, he starts running. Draco gives chase. They run, burst of laughter puncturing the air occasionally.

The fun stops when Harry calls out if pain. Draco rushes over, running faster than he had been before.

"I'm ok. Just stepped on a root. Let's get that milk and sit," Harry sooths Draco's worry. He still stays by his side as the walk to the pit. He runs in to get the forgotten milk and sits next to Harry. The blond throws an arm over his love and pulls him close.

Harry rests his head on Draco's chest and listens to his heart beat. It sooths him as they stare at the dancing flames. His eyes start to get heavy and he dozes off.

Draco notices and scoops him up. He carries the sleeping one in and to their bed. He strips him down to his boxers and tucks him in. He goes out to cover the fire and heads in to sleep, wrapped up in his boyfriend's loving embrace.

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