Telling Tyler how you feel amd it leads to hot ass sex

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You were in the Lockwood Mansion with Tyler, just simply hanging out with him, but that was a few weeks ago. You two have been best friends since you were young. He was this douche type of football player now that you're in high school, while you're this goody two shoes of a cheerleader, but you two still remained friends. At some point, you found yourself liking him, maybe due to the fact that he shows you a side no one really does see.
He's a gentleman towards you and he likes to hang out with you more than anyone. So you basically thought that you're friendzoned. It's true though, when you think about it. He's into the cheerleaders that are all out, not really bitchy, but yeah, bitchy, and you're not that. You're just a cheerleader because Caroline and Elena are your best friends, who are in cheer leading.
You thought you'd never had a chance with him, he's your best friend, and he probably thinks of you as a sister. You considered telling him what you feel but you were afraid that it will cost you your friendship with him. He might never want to see you again.
You harbored your feelings for him through out high school and now that you're about to graduate, you thought, fuck it, I'm leaving for college anyway. Although you were again still debating whether to tell him or not. It also didn't help that you're werewolf just like he is. Of course he knew what you are, you two actually stay together when it's the full moon, and you both had helped each other with the hard process.
When you knew you were falling too hard, you distanced yourself from him, hanging out when completely necessary, talking to him when you needed to and seeing him if you absolutely have to. Of course he noticed it but never really questioned it, although it did hurt him to see you inch away from him, considering the fact that you two are best friends.
He thought maybe it's because he's a hybrid now and you're afraid of him, but nevertheless, he hated not being around you. He then realized he might hurt you, so he himself distanced from you as well.
When you noticed him rarely being around you, you got sad because he might be avoiding you now, thinking that he may have been weird-ed out by your actions so he decided to not see you. You were feeling more down than ever and it saddens you that you missed him so much.
It reached to the point where you can no longer function without thinking about him, wanting to see him. So you got to your car and drove to the Lockwood Mansion.
Tyler paced around the foyer, deciding on coming to see you in your house. He missed you and he wanted to know what was happening in between the two of you. What happened as to why you distanced yourself in the first place. He wanted to know if he was the reason and he wanted you back in his life.
He opened the door just as you were about to knock and you both let out a small gasp. "Tyler." I said smiling.
"Y/n." He said out of breath.
"I was just about to go to your house." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "Oh." You reacted. He smiled when he saw your face. Oh how much he actually missed seeing your face every single day. "I missed you." He said, standing there, awkwardly.

"Uh–I missed you too

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"Uh–I missed you too." You said, smiling softly at him. "I went here to talk about this actually." You said, blushing a bit.
"Oh, come in please." He said, stepping out of the door way. When he closed the door he immediately took you in his arms, hugging you tight. Your heart was thumping way too fast and you knew he can hear it. "Why are you so nervous, y/n?" He asked, pulling away to look at you. "I'm not, it's just–" You didn't even know how to explain it to him. "Come on, want a drink?" He asked, walking towards the study.
You sat down and he set two beers in the coffee table in front of you. He sat down beside you, opening the drinks. "What's wrong, y/n?" He asked when you two had your first seep of beer. "Do you hate me?" You asked him. He was quite shocked by your question.

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