"Im Tyler, Tyler Lockwood.."

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I walked around my new home. Mystic Falls. It's beautiful. I've got everything I need. Except people I know. I'm new in town to I disced do get a look around. I was walking around when something caught my eye. Mystic Grill. I shrugged. Why not?? I made my way to the grill and opened the door walking to the bar. I was looking around but taken back when someone taped me. I turned around seeing a tall blond headed, blue eyes boy behind the bar with a attractive smile. "What can I get for you??" He said smiling.

I smiled at him

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I smiled at him. "My I have a shot of vodka please??" I said bitting my lip I might regret this later. He gave me a nod and a little later came back with my drink. "Hey are you new in town??" He asked me. I nod. "Is it that obvious??" I asked looking down with a smile. "Well not really I just never seen you I mean I would remember a pretty face like yours..." He said looking down nervously. I giggled and shock my head. "Why thank you.." I said with a chuckle and downing my shot of vodka. He smiled. "Well I hope you know that your welcome here.." He said wiping down the counter. "Thanks.." I said looking at my glass. "Hey Matt can I get my usual.." A boy with black hair and may I say I nice body as well. He turned to me and looked me up and down and back up to my face. "Your beautiful.." He said in a whisper causing me to blush.

" He said in a whisper causing me to blush

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"Uh what??" I asked looking down. And his eyes widen widen when he noticed what he had said. "W-well I I mean uh h-hi " he said putting his hand out for a handshake.

I quickly take his hand

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I quickly take his hand.
"Y/n, y/n y/l/n.." I said with a smile and he just keep shaking my hand and I look at him weird. "Uh and y-your name is??" I asked with a smile. And he pulled his and away awkwardly. "Oh I'm Tyler Tyler Lockwood" he said almost yelling. I nod my head and look straight ahead of me. "Y-you must be new in town.." He said. And I can feel him still looking at me and I bit y lip and look at him. "Yep.." I say popping out the p. And he looked down blushing and then straight back at me. "I wa-" he cut me off. "Would you go out with me??" He asked/begged. I look at him in shock. "Oh y-yea s-sure.." I said putting some hair behind my ear. And he smiled. "Well c-can I get your number or something.. Just so I can you know get a hold of you.." He asked pulling his phone out which I quickly take and put my number in and I decided to put a funny name or just something so he would know it's me. I smiled to my self and typed in a name and handed it to him and he looked at it making sure I put it in and then he bursted out laughing. "Really??" He said still laughing. I shake my head with a smile. "At least you'll know it's me..." I said in a teasing voice. "I mean that is if you said that to many other girls.." I said shaking my head. "No no 'you're beautiful..' Is ok.." He said with a chuckle. I get up and lean in a little. "Call me tomorrow yeah??" I asked well more insisting. And he nodded rapidly. And looked at my lips because of how close I was. And I leaned in and have him a kiss on the cheek. "Good.." I whispered and walked away smiling. Let's just say that was a beginning to a beautiful relationship.

Hope you liked it
Much love 💕💞

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