~part 4~ "She's gone..... Y/n's gone.."

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I shook my head looking at Tyler and he had a scared look on his face. “Y/n watch out!!” he shouted reaching for me. But it was to late.

(Tyler's P.O.V)
~Two days latter~
I starred down at my girlfriend and put my hand over my mouth and felt a tear fall down my face. I grabbed her hand and closed my eyes putting my head on top of her chest. “I lost you once... I don't think I can handle losing to again....” I said backing away from her coffin and felt anther tear fall down my face. “But I'm gonna have to..” I chocked out. I heard the door open slightly and I turned slightly to the door and saw kol. I lightly smiled and  turned back to y/n's lifeless body. Kol stood next to me andi looked over at him and I can tell he was trying not to burst out into tears. I looked back at her and sighed. “She's beautiful isn't she??” kol whispered. I smiled and shook my head. “Most beautiful girl I've ever seen...” I whisper tears falling down my face. I felt him looking at me and I shut my eyes and bit my lip trying not to make a sound... But I couldn't hold the pain back anymore I lost her once again.. I could have stopped him... I could have saved her that time... But it all happened so fast...
I looked behind her to look at her brothers but something else caught my eye. I turned slightly seeing Marcel running towards... Y/n!! My eyes went wide and I felt scared I turned back to y/n and she looked at me confused. I acted fast and reached for her yelling as loud as I could. “Y/n watch out!!” but as I grabbed her arm and tried to pull her out of the way... But... It was to late.. Marcel had his hand in her chest and my eyes went wider and watery I looked in y/n's eyes and felt a tear fall down my face and I couldn't here anything but my heavy heartbeat and y/n struggling to breath. Marcel then ripped her heart out and a tear feel down her face. “Noo” I yelled grabbing her and falling to the ground with her body kol dashed to my side and grabbed her face his tears falling on her face. I looked up at Klaus he had wide watery eyes and was in complete shock my vision went blurry because of the tears.   I looked at her and kol and kol looked up at me shaking his head. “I JUST GOT HER BACK!!!” he yelled tears falling down his face and I shook my head and I got up and said. “I know kol..” he got up when I said that and I looked him in the eyes. “I know.. ” and gestured him to come here. He sighed and dashed into a hug I signed and  sobbed on me while I starred at my lifeless girlfriend on the floor. Once more.
*End of Flashback*
Kol grabbed her hands and said . “We get to say goodbye... Bonnie is going to let us... I have something to tell you Tyler...” He said looking over at me I looked at him confused. “Y/n ... She... She was with child...” he said tears falling down his face. I stood steal and shook my head thinking I heard wrong. “W-what??” I said my voice cracking. He shook his head and looked down at her. “She told me not to tell you unless something bad had happened...” I looked at  her and bit my lip. “Why didn't she tell me??” I sobbed out and walled over to the wall putting my head on the wall my eyes shut. “Why don't you ask her..” bonnie said causing me to turn to her. I shook my head ‘no’ “I want to be last....” I said walking out the room seeing every one look at me with tears ether in there eyes or running down there face I sat down and leaned against the wall and closed my eyes waiting for my turn.
(Kol's P.O.V)
“You ready??” she asked me. I smiled at her and shook my head. “I'm pretty sure nobody in this world is ever ready to say goodbye to there beloved sister .....goodbye forever....”  I said tears building up in my eyes. “Grab her hand and let her into you're thoughts..” she whispered. I did as she said and something told me to open my eyes. And I was out by the fence we hung out at. I smiled and walked into the fence and it turned into are hide out. And there she was... Sitting on her chair  she smiled up at me  and tilted her head. “Aren't you going to dit down brother??”  she asked shuffling cards. I smiled and sat down in my chair. I sat forward and stared at her. I'm going to miss seeing her face.

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