~part 2~ "She's gone... Y/n's gone.."

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"You think I'd let him get away with killing one of my beloved sisters??"He whispered.
(Klaus's P.O.V)
Every one walked back inside and a plan clicked in my head. Kol walked towards me and I could see nothing but rage in my brothers eyes. "Rebecca I need you for a destruction.. As you can see Marcel fancies you.. Damon,Stefan, Elijah and Caroline You're with me.. Enzo and Alaric weapons... We will be killing every single one of his little night walkers... Little Bennett.. I need you to work up one of you location spells.. And Kol... Your going to be finishing him off..." I said grabbing his shoulder. I looked to everyone. "Got it??" Everyone needed. "Wait what about me??" Tyler asked and I turned to him and shook my head. "Oh right.." I looked at Elena. "Elena darling will you make sure he doesn't do anything stupid..." I said nodding she shook her head. "Good girl now Donovan..." I soda turning to him.. "Your going with my sister.. Since you guys have a little something going on.. Little Gilbert will be coming alone with me as well.." I said with a smirk and looking at the both of them. "Now let's head out.." I said with a nod everyone went to get ready. "Enzo and Alaric!!" I called after them. They turned to me confused. "I want you to bring Elena some sort of protection... Just in case the wolf gets a little huffy.. And after that I want you to come join us.." I said and try nodded and dashed away. Bonnie came running out of the house. "He's at home.. In his dinner room in guessing because he was eating.." Bonnie said I shook my head. "Thanks love now you can go home.. Y/n's body's there.. I want you to work and see if you can bring her back.." I said pulling her to her car and she walked off.

We were about to head to are spots but Kol yelled

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We were about to head to are spots but Kol yelled. "Wait!!" Everyone looked at bl and he dashed to his and y/n's plays they hand out and grabbed a bat handing in the out side fence. He looked up at the bat smiling. "Now I'm ready." He whispered.

Me and Stefan looked at him in a serious face

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Me and Stefan looked at him in a serious face. "Are you serious??" Stefan asked.

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