"She's gone... Y/n's gone"

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“Only a little while.. ”  I whispered.

(Rebekah's P.O.V)
I saw Klaus walking out of the room and quickly made eye contact with me. “You're turn little sister..” he said dashing by my side taking a seat. I got up and made my way over to Bonnie. I looked inside the coffin gasping reaching for my little sister's hand. “Let her into you're thoughts...” she whispered. I smiled a tear falling down my face closing my eyes and letting her into my thoughts. I felt someone grab my hand and I hard the piano and laugher. I opened my eyes slowly taking the sight in.
My room. I heard foot steps coming to my door and I turn quickly. “How do I look sister??” she said smiling and I gasp taking in the sight of my beautiful little sister. “I asked Elijah but he said..” she began and changed her voice into Elijah's. “‘Isn't that a little umm showy?? You'll have every man drooling over you..’” she said rolling her eyes. I smiled and sighed tearing up. “You look beautiful sister..” I whispered.

She frowned and looked down biting her lip

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She frowned and looked down biting her lip.  I took a step closer to her and she looked up with tears in her eyes as well. “I fell like  this is all my fault.... I should have been there... I'm so stupid.. And I'm so sorry. I truly am...” I said putting my  hand slightly over my mouth. She looked down them back up at me. “Its not you're fault... Don't ever think its you're fault...” she whispered and walked towards me shortly after.

(Just ignore the arm in the background sorryyyyyyy)

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(Just ignore the arm in the background sorryyyyyyy)

She grabbed my hand and I winced closing my eyes. “Please don't leave me...” I cried opening my eyes. She had tears down her face and shook her head shrugging. “There's nothing we can do..” she whispered. I sook head looking down. I can't live without you..” I whispered a tear falling down my face. She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. “Please don't make this harder than it already is..... I love you sister.... I-i love you so much..” she said into my neck... Shaking her head. I pulled away shaking my head... “I love you sister.... Everyday when I go past you're room... I won't be able to stop myself without  wanting to open you're door seeing you getting ready for the day.... I-i just can't.... Oh god I'm going miss you so much...” I whispered my voice shaky. She bit her lip letting her tears run down her face. “I'm going to miss you so much.. But don't you worry about me... I'll be here.. Waiting for you my beautiful sister.... I'll be waiting...” I blinked and looked around seeing her laying down in a coffin. I closed eyes and cried. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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