43. Always Stall For More Time

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43. Always Stall For More Time

I exhaled ruggedly, my eyes closing tightly as my stomach tossed and churned. My palms pressed harshly against the cold stone wall, my fingers curling into themselves. I bit down on my inner cheeks, pushing my lips together so tightly I wasn't too sure they wouldn't bruise. The feeling in my stomach was unbearable, so beyond something just a full stomach would cause that I wasn't past claiming it was poisoned. Or maybe, if the Immortals were actually being all nice-and-peace I just got an unintentional case of really bad food poisoning. But I didn't entirely believe the latter.

My knees buckled as my stomach pitched again and my hands slid off the wall, but before I could crumble, two arms appeared underneath mine, lifting me back to my feet and holding me steadily against a tall, lanky figure.

"That looks like it hurts, darling." An icy voice whispered in my ear, his breath brushing warmly over my cheek.

My eyes opened slowly. "It seems like you know it would, Silas."

But he only chuckled, wrapping his arms tightly around my torso when I tried jerking away from him. My body trembled and every movement made me feel like puking, but I still fought him, even if it only made me weaker.

"Stop hurting yourself more, Morgana." Silas murmured. "I mean you no harm."

His arms withdrew and I stumbled out of his reach, spinning around and pressed the back of my shoulder against the wall, my fingers latching tightly onto the cold stone.

"Like I'll believe anything you say." I sneered. "Especially after you poisoned me."

His lips tipped upwards just barely and he tossed a strand of his golden blonde hair out of his eyes.

"You're quick to catch on." His chocolate eyes sparkled deviously. "Sorry about that. It was the only inconspicuous way to get you out of there. Well . . . it's not like I needed to since all my idiot brothers are passed out over their plates, but I mean, why take chances, right?"

I bit my lip, my arms wrapping around my stomach as I shook my head slowly, glaring at him as if my eyes had summoned death himself. But he just smiled and pulled out a little vile from his tunic.

"It's the antidote. Take it."

He tossed it towards me, and on instinct, I caught it, but still reeling from the effects of whatever he gave me, I stumbled once I lost contact with the wall and fell right back into his arms. I clenched my teeth.

"How do I know this won't do something worse?" I hissed.

He shrugged. "You don't. You just have my word for it. But that's not the right question, Morgana. You should be asking if you're willing to take that chance with me, or, well, if you just won't be able to stand the little stomach bug I gave you, and loose all sense of reason."

I shoved myself away from him and crumbled roughly to the floor. I glanced at the vile in my hands, then up at Silas, then my stomach twisted and I groaned, my body tightening in on itself. I gave the vile one last look before throwing it across the hall, wincing as it shattered on the opposite wall.

"Screw you." I snarled.

But Silas only laughed. "Goodness, you really need to get it together. It was the antidote! You aren't supposed to chuck it across the hallway like it's another poison."

My eyes lifted to glare at him through my tangled raven curls. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well then. Luckily for you, I've got another vile just in case something like this happened. Now, contrary to popular belief, I don't actually enjoy seeing you in pain, so if you'll just . . . drink up, then we can get on with our little rendezvous."

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