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Thank you to all my lovely readers, voters and commenters. I couldn't have concluded this journey without you. It's been about two years, two long, tedious, rough years, but they've been worth it. I sincerely hope you enjoyed A Thousand Year Obsession, and plan on sticking with me as I work through future projects. I give you all my deepest gratitude, even to all you silent readers. I understand, truly, but I hope that maybe one of these days you could hit that little star button and add a few more numbers to that little speech bubble. It would absolutely be the light of my day.

I also want to formerly apologize for the messiness and the plot holes and all the loose ends. I realize now that my writing was severely confusing and at times hard to follow, but thanks to your lovely input, I've been making an effort to change that. I understand that I've kind of left you all hanging and I'm really, really sorry for that. It was never my intention to have such a messy story. This was my first real story, and it has all of my weak points as a writer. But truthfully, that has helped me see those weak points and fix them so this jumble of confusion doesn't happen in future stories. Thank you for toughing it out and I hope you still enjoyed it even with its messiness.

With Hope,
Your Author,
Lilli Knight

P.S. If any of you have any questions for me or the story, just leave 'em in the comments and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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