Alley Cat

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Before you read this I want to warn you that this chapter has a rape scene and I don't want to trigger anyone. Please read out of your own decision.

Christine POV

I start my journey back home after a visit with my friend Elizabeth Bennett and her husband Fitzwilliam Darcy. It was already dark and I had about a half mile left before I got home. I curse silently. I should have left earlier. As I walk I feel a chill in the air and I wrap my arms around me tightly. Dry leaves scratch the ground as the wind blows them around. I turn down an alley and a cat yowls and runs into the darkness. I yelp, surprised. That's when I heard drunken laughter and footsteps coming closer to me. I turn and there are 3 men close to me. They spot me.

"Look at this pretty little thing!" One cries out. Another makes kissing sounds. The third whispers something in the first one's ear. His smile grows wicked. I pick up my pace and start running. They are faster. They pin me against the brick alley wall. I try and scream.

"HEL-" I'm cut off as one of then covers my mouth and another pins my shoulders to the wall. Tears stream down my face. I know what they are going to do to me. The third person starts undoing my skirts while the other two laugh. I close my eyes. Then I felt it. The horrible pain. I wanted to scream my lungs out. I felt like my lower half was being torn to shreds. After what seemed like an eternity the first man was done. The second one started undoing the buckle of his pants. Please God not again. God does not hear me. The pain is worse and I am granted the gift of unconsciousness.

I wake up. It is still dark out but it looked like sunrise would be soon. I try and move, but the pain in my lower abdomen is too great and I cry out. I feel despair and just cry. I hear a noise... Please lord not again. It is a man dressed in black... Wearing a white mask. Erik... He quickly gathers me in his arms and I cry out in agony. Erik quickly realizes it would hurt me too much if he carried me and he grants me sweet release as he touches my pressure points and grants me unconsciousness.

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