How is she?

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Kayleigh Posey's P.O.V
It was the day after the funeral and I wasn't going anywhere so Spencer,Alex,Eli,Ali,Han,Aria and the rest of us were chilling in our pjs watching movies. I was 8 months till my prince or princess came along. I was so happy. I got a call from an unknown number so I walked out of the room and answered my phone.
K: Hello
U: Hello is this Kayleigh Posey
K: Yes
U: We would like to inform you that you Spencer,Aria,Hanna,Emily and Alison and the rest of the girls were chosen to do a season of Teen Wolf.
K: Really!!
U: Yes it will be after you're pregnancy so
K: Uh yeah I'm in I'll ask the others k
U: Yes ring me back if they give you an answer.
End of call

I walked back into the sitting room and jumped up and down. Everyone asked what was wrong. Spence,Ali,Em,Han,Aria and the rest of the girls can I talk to use. Uh yea sure they said. In my room lets go I said. We all ran up the stairs in excitement. Ok so how would you guys like to do a season of Teen Wolf? I ask. Duh yeah they all said. Ok I'll ring the number back I said. As I rang the number back they answered straight away.
              Phone Call
U: Ah Kayleigh your back
K: Em yea they said they'd like to do it
U: Well I will ring you when we start but before you will meet all the cast members. I jumped up and down because I was meeting my favourite which was Theo Raeken aka Cody Christian who is on pretty little liars and is known as Mike Montgomery. I'll meet all the girls like Malia,Hayden,Kira and Lydia. I can't wait till the baby is coming. I lay on my bed to rest I start getting contractions. About an hour later my waters broke. Guys we need to go to the hospital my waters broke I scream. The first one to run up was Spencer then Aria then Hanna then Emily then Eli and the rest of the boys. We got in Spencer's car and drove straight to the hospital. I was 6cm so far about 25 minutes later my baby girl was born her name was Ruby-Jai Posey

 I was 6cm so far about 25 minutes later my baby girl was born her name was Ruby-Jai Posey

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

And a minute later I had to push again. Two more pushes Kayleigh the nurse said. No I can't I can't I cry. Ok then two pushes later Dylan-Cody Posey was born.

 Ok then two pushes later Dylan-Cody Posey was born

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

They were both so cute. Can I hold one Eli said. Yes of course babe I gave Dylan to him and I held Ruby. Then a few minutes later Drew came in with presents for the baby and kissed my cheek. Where's the girls I asked. They're with there mam he replied. The all sat down and then the person I thought I wouldn't see in years walked in which was Antonio. Antonio! I screamed. Kayleigh how are you? He asked. Uh the fact that I just gave birth other than that I'm fine I laughed. I gave Ruby to Antonio and he kissed her forehead. Aw she's so cute Antonio said.

-A team and liesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang