I Can't lose her

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Cody Saintgnue P.O.V
I was in the middle of lighting candles for Kayleigh for a bath. I put 3 candles at the bottom and 3 candles at the top. I start lighting them. My phone start ringing. It was unknown so I answered it

U: Hello is this Cody Saintgnue?

C: Uh yeh why?

U. This is Rosewood Hospital were informing you that Ms.Kayleigh Posey was in a car crash it was a hit and run.

C: Is she alright?

U: She she might lose the baby.

C: I'll be there in about 5 minutes

U: Ok but hurry were losing her!

End of call

I blew out all the candles and got dressed

I got my key to Kayleigh's house and ran over

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I got my key to Kayleigh's house and ran over. Guys Kayleigh's at the hospital. What why Spencer said as tears formed in her eyes. She was in a hit and run her car done a 360 spin and land on its side she's at Rosewood Hospital. Right can I go in Kayleigh's car Spencer said. Yeah so me and you are going into Kayleigh's car anyone else? I ask. Eh can I Aria said sobbing. Me too Ali said. The rest of use go in Spencer's car. We drove to the hospital. Dr.Clifford how is she? I ask. Eh she has to have surgery to get the baby out and there's a 50/50 chance they might both die. Nooooo Spencer sobbed. Shhhhhh Toby said as he was comforting her. Please try save the baby. Hun the only person I'm trying to save right now is Kayleigh. I sat down with my hand in my head and start sobbing. I can't lose my baby sister Toby said. I can't lose my girlfriend. Nurse I will ring Violet I said. I dialled Violets number and it took about a minute to pick up.
Phone call between Cody and Violet

V: Hey Cody what's up?

C: It's Kayleigh she's been in a car crash it was a hit and run

V: I can't lose my sister not again

C: We're at Rosewood Hospital

V: I'm on my way now

               End of call

Violet Summers P.O.V
I got in my car and sobbed I rang my mam and dad and I told them. I was on my way to the hospital and I seen Cameron Kayleigh's ex-boyfriend. I zoomed past him. When I got to the hospital I sat down and put my hand in my head and sobbed uncontrollably. Cody was sobbing hysterically aswell. Guys Kayleigh's gonna pull through she's a fighter Eli said. Ye but what if she doesn't huh Mona shouted. Yeah Mona's right stop Violet shouted. Woah Vi calm down deep breaths Eli said. Dr.Clifford walked out with a clipboard. Any news Doc I ask. Well she's going into surgery on about an hour or 2 so if I were you I'd say your goodbyes because she mightn't make it the nurse said sorrily. I burst into tears. Eli walked over and hugged me. Okay Spencer can go in first the nurse said

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