Cody's P.O.V I walked around taking deep breaths. Guys Kayleigh is going to make it Mona said. Noel then walked in. What do you want? I say to Noel trying to keep my anger in. Kayleigh was my best friend he said. I punched him in the face and the nurses told him to get out. The doctor walked out. Any news Doc Violet asked. Kayleigh is awake and is sobbing hysterically. I jumped out of my seat and ran into Kayleigh's room and gave her the biggest kiss ever. She start crying. It was a girl she said as she sobbed. Shhhhh baby I'm here. She sobbed and sobbed till she fell asleep. I pulled the covers over her and walked out of her room. She wants Antonio,Violet and Spencer in awhile. We all went home to shower. Violet and Spencer drove in Spencer's car.
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We all walked in together. Kayleigh hugged us all. Kayleigh's P.O.V So how are you guys? I asked. I'm staying in Rosewood Violet said. Yay I said. I'm pregnant Spencer said. Congratulations I said as I gave her the biggest hug ever. Will you be the godmother? She asked me. Yes 100% yes I said with a big smile. I got promoted and I'm now the chief of District 21 he said proudly. I'm so proud of you I said as I kissed his cheek. The doctor walked in and told me they'd keep me over night for some tests and then I can go home tomorrow. Cody walked in with a bag. Hey babe he smiled. Hey what's in the bag I ask. Clothes the doctor told me to get you clothes for today and tomorrow. He gave me pyjama shorts and a top
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Everyone left and it was just Cody and I. Cody hopped on the bed beside me and hugged me. I sobbed and sobbed. I-I'm so so so sorry for losing our baby girl it's all my fault I say as I sob. Kayleigh Leanne Gemma Summers it is not your fault ok he said. I understand if you want to break up with me I said as I was cut off. Nope I love you to much to let you go so your stuck with me. We just hugged the rest of the night and then fell asleep. *Next Day* I woke up with Cody's tight grip around my waste. The doctors done a few tests on me and told me I was ready to go and I had to fill in the release papers. I did and I grabbed the blue bag and got my clothes out of it. I had a bathroom in my hospital room. So I walked in and changed.
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I was happy that I wore makeup again. The nurse got me a wheelchair and I sat in it. Cody wheeled me out and sat me in the car. I couldn't wait to go home. We drove home and walked in. SURPRISE everyone shouted. I jumped up out of my skin. They all came over and hugged me. My mam and dad came over to me and hugged me. Oh my sweet pea Kayleigh I thought we lost you my dad said as he kissed my temple. I'm fine daddy I said holding back the tears. They walked off and I went upstairs and I seen Jasmine. Hey Jas I said. Kales your ok she said ecstatically. She ran up and hugged me. Will you be the godmother she said pointing to her stomach. Yes oh my god yes I said as I hugged her. Soon it was time for everyone to go home except Cody,Violet,Spencer,Toby and the rest. I walked in the kitchen and I seen Eli sit on a chair with a box of chocolates in front of him. Hey I said. He turned around with his eyes all puffy and red. He was crying. Eli is everything ok? I asked. Amelia cheated on me he cried even more. I sat down beside him and hugged him. Shhh calm down Eli I said hugging him. He then calmed down. I picked up my phone and rang Jeff J: Hey Kales how are you? K: Fine I just want to know are we going bake in Teen Wolf? J: Yeah it'll be a week or 2 I'll ring you when K: Bye Jeff End Of Call.
I sat in my room and got my song book out. I sat there thinking of hat the name could be of the next song. I hen thought of it Stone Cold. I called Spencer up and we sat on my bed. Jeff said Teen Wolf is starting back in like a week or two. Yes she said excitedly. I have a name for the new song I said. What? She asked. Stone Cold? I suggested. Yeah but it's the lyrics we need she said. My phone rang so I answered it. A: Hey Kales K: Hey Ash the girls and I are working on the song and I came up with the name. A: Really what is it? K: Stone Cold A: Sounds good K: How is the baby? A: Eh they're great K: Did you just say they're?! A: I'm having twins K: I can't wait till they come. A: Kales I have to go Clayton wants me and tell the girls please End of call
Ash is pregnant I told Spencer. OMG I'm so happy for her she smiled. So how are you? I ask her. We're fine she said with a big smile on her face. The guys told us to change into something nice. Cody and I were together 2 or 3 years and I've loved him ever since. Spencer put this on
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And I put this on
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We walked downstairs holding hands. The boys were speechless. We were having a dinner party. A few hours into the party. Cody tapped his glass to make an announcement. Oh lord