Kayleigh Posey's P.O.V I can't believe it. Today's the day. He's really gone I'm never gonna see him again. I sit up and sob. I think Spencer heard me because she came running in. Shhhhh Kayleigh baby it's gonna be alright shhhhhh she said. Eli and I broke up I cried. What why use were literally goals she said. I snapped at him and told him were over because he cared about the baby and I thought he didn't care about me so I broke up with him and it's all because of these STUPID hormones I cry. Kayleigh c'mon you have to get ready Hayley says as she walks in. Yeah one second I say as I wipe my tears away. I stand up and run into the bathroom. I grab my makeup and my earphones and sprinted into my room. I walked in and curled my hair. When I was done I got my mirror and started doing my makeup and blasted my music
Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
When I done my makeup I took my sweats off and I was in my bra and panties. Eli walked in while I was getting changed. Oh uh sorry we have to leave in five minutes Eli said. I walked downstairs and everyone was downstairs. My little nephew Conor was bringing up the coffin. I had to say a few words and so did Braxton. Awhile into the funeral my birth mother sat up and turned to me. Kayleigh can I talk to you she asked. Uh no can it wait I say while wiping my tears away. Kayleigh I'm afraid it can't she said. Yes it can now please talk to me at the afters I say. Uh fine she huffs. Can Kayleigh Posey come up and say a few words the priest asked
I start to talk 'You can only have one father, Patient,kind and true, No other friend in all the world Will be the same to you When others forsake you To father you will return For all his loving kindness He asks nothing in return
As we look upon his picture Sweet memories we recall Of a face full of sunshine And a smile for one and all Sweet Jesus take this message To our dear father up above Tell him how we miss him And give him all our love. As I finish the poem I start to wipe my tears away. My voice was shaky and I just wanted to hug Violet. Now can Braxton Kyles come up to the alter and say a few words the priest said.
Braxton's words: Death is nothing at all I have only slipped away to the next room I am I and you are you Whatever we were to each other Than,we still are
Call me by my old familiar name Speak to me that easy way Which you always used Put no difference in your tone Wear no forced air are solemnly nor sorrows
Laugh as we always laughed As the little jokes we've enjoyed together Play,smile think of me Let Love You name be the household word That it always was Let it be spoken without the effect Without the trace of a shadow on it
Life means all that it ever meant It is the same that it ever was There is absolute unbroken continuity Why should I be out of mind Because I am out of site I am waiting for you For an interval Somewhere.Very near Just around the corner. As he finished talking he wiped his tears away. The funeral was over and the nephews and grandchildren carried out the coffin. I tried to find Spencer but I couldn't. I started to sob. Shhhhhh Kayleigh Eli said. I'm so sorry and I miss you so much I cry. I miss you too Kales he said. Will you be my girlfriend again he says . Yes I say as I jumped in his arms.
Eli Jones's P.O.V I missed Kayleigh so much. Thank god I have her back. She's the love of my life. We walk outside holding hands and then we walk to the limo. They drove us to some party place and the music started. Then we all started to drink. I had to drink Non-Alcoholic Coppaberg because I was pregnant. I'm 6 months along.
Spencer Hastings P.O.V I started to dance with Alex then Kayleigh took the babies and gave one to Eli. They start rocking forth and back. I put my head on Alex's shoulders and started to dance. Babe were going on a vacation ok Alex said. Then we stopped dancing and Kayleigh got the baby's asleep. We went up to her and I took the girl and Alex took the boy. Kayleigh I need your help with my makeup in the bathroom Spencer called me. I knew she was lying because her makeup was perfectly fine. Uh yeah your lipstick is a bit off I said going along with it. We walked into the bathroom and out of nowhere Spencer start crying. Shhhhh Spence what's up I said. Kayleigh I'm pregnant she sobbed even more. When did you find out I asked. About a week ago she sobbed. Shhhh c'mon we tell Alex when we get back home ok I say. By now her mascara was running down her face and her lipstick was smudged. I got my handbag out and took the wipes out and start wiping under her eyes then re-doing her foundation. Then I re-done her mascara then her lipstick and it didn't look like she was crying. We walked out and we walked over to the bar and asked for Non-Alcoholic Coppaberg because we were pregnant. Spencer Hastings P.O.V I was so tired and the party lasted till 5 O'clock in the morning. We came home at 6am. Kayleigh looked at me to tell Alex I was pregnant again. Alex and Kayleigh can I talk to use I ask. Eh Ye sure we both said. We walked upstairs and went into Kayleigh's room and she locked the door. Uh Alex I have something to tell you. Yeah sure he said. Alex I'm pregnant again I said. Oh my god Spence I'm so happy he said as he kissed me