Kayleigh Posey's P.O.V I woke up to the sound of my ringtone going off. Jeff Davis rang me J: Hello Kayleigh this is Jeff Davis. K: Hey Jeff J: Tomorrow at 9:00am we will get someone to pick you up at your house and take you to Beacon Hills High School K: Are our boyfriends aloud come or .... J: We would prefer if they didn't K: Uh ya ok is Malia or Lydia picking us up. J: That will be a secret K: Ok well I'm gonna go get the girls up and we will get ready J: Okay and congrats on the twins K: Thanks see ya in a while
I ran into Spencer and Toby's room and got Spencer up and then we got all the girls up. I ran into my room and threw this on
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I ran downstairs and made banana pancakes with honeycomb ice-cream sprinkles and a chocolate flake. When all the girls were ready it was 8:00am so we all sat around talking about 5 minutes Ruby-Jai start crying. I ran upstairs holding rocking her back and forward. Shhhh. I start singing to her and then she soon fell asleep. I ran downstairs to the girls and they were ready and the door. There was a knock on the door and I ran to the draw and got a pen and paper 'guys when you wake up there if food in the microwave heat it up for a minute the girls and I are gone to Beacon Hills to do a shoot of Teen Wolf today the baby bottles are in the fridge with the milk but you have to put hot water in it xx love -Kales,Spence,Ali,Aria,Em and Mona xxxx sleep tight. I left the note on the marble table and ran to the car. Lydia Martin and Malia Tate were in the car. So how's Ruby-Jai and Dylan-Cody? Lydia asked. Eh ye there fine I said. When we were at Beacon Hills we were walking around touring our selves and Aria being the dope shouting out to Cody Saintgnue I love yo man muscles. He walked over to us. Aria was so embarrassed. Thanks he said. Hey Cody I'm Kayleigh this is Spencer,Alison,Emily,Hanna,Aria and Mona I said as they were all drooling. Your the owners of Sunset Youth and your the new girls in teen wolf or this season aren't you he smirked. Uh yeah we are. Well I'd be happy to show you to Jeff's office he offered. Uh yeah sure I said. I was up the front talking to Cody while I seen the other Cody and he was checking me out. Then Dylan O'Brien came out of the bathrooms with Dylan Sprayberry and Tyler Posey. They were walking with us. We walked up the stairs then we seen Colton Haynes,Daniel Sharman,Tyler Hoechlin and Max Carver. We already seen Shelley Henning an Holland Roden. We walked up more stairs and seen Melissa McCall,Kira Yukimura, Victoria Moroles and Kelsey Asbille. We seen all the cast but THE ONE AND ONLY Jeff Davis. We went up one more flight of stairs to see Jeff walk into his office. We knocked on the door with a bottle of wine a chocolates. As soon as he opened the door a big smile appeared on his face. Aw that's Kayleigh you didn't have to do this he said. But we wanted to because your letting us on a season of Teen Wolf. I gave him a hug and her kissed my cheek. We got the lift back down to the first floor. Everyone looked at me confused. What! I asked. Why did Mr.Davis kiss your cheek Cody.S said in his accent. I don't know maybe because he's my uncle I said. What they all screamed. Yeah I laughed. We went to the food court and it was an all you can eat buffet. I got Chicken curry egg fried rice and Chinese noodles with 2 chicken balls. So how is Jeff Davis your uncle they all said in unison. Jeff Davis is my mam's brother because my nanny gave birth to Jeff and my mam about 2 years apart from each other. Oh then who's older Cody.C asked. Jeff is older than my mam. Kayleigh who's your favourite out of the boys Cody.S asked. Eh if I had to choose it would be.... Me Dylan O' shouted. Really but you named your boy after the Cody's and Dylan's but you have my second name Tyler.P said. Tyler Posey Kayleigh Posey see. Hmmm my favourite is Cody.S and Cody.C I say. But what about your Stilinski jumper Dylan.O said. You have a Stilinski jumper babe Cody.S said. Oh so your cheating on me now are you Spencer said. Hold up we all know Kayleigh loves me Cody.C said. No she loves me Dylan.S said. No she loves me Tyler.P said. No she loves me Cody.S said. Yeah I secretly love love Cody.S I say as I get up and sit in his lap. Ohhhh dayum I ship those too so hard Cody.C the 2 Dylan's and the 2 Tyler's. After we finished eating we started to do take 1. I walked to Cody.S and said. My lines were: Cody you like me but I love you. Cody's lines were:Kayleigh I don't like you he says as I walk away. I love you he says as we make out. Cut Jeff says. Kayleigh and Cody that was brilliant. Take a break go to Kayleigh's room and help her clean the bed for the make out scene Jeff asked. Uh yeah we got up to my room which was 294 at the place where they shoot movies. My room was big.